Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Moving on from the Past: Part 6

Scene 1
Off Camera

Kimberly Williams has a lot to be upset about lately, the least of which would be her recent loss of the UWA World Tag Team Championships to Connor Greene and Gwen Black.  Kimberly and her tag team partner, Sophie James, enjoyed her run as a tag team champion.  They enjoyed running roughshod over UWA’s tag team division for over a year.  Kimberly also appreciated this as an opportunity to repay her identical twin sister, Marie Annabelle Jones.  The former Crown Jewel of Professional Wrestling and reigning UWA X-Limits Champion wanted to be an exclusive singles competitor, but UWA management led by Drew Bryant and David Helms weren’t letting that happen so long as she was a World Tag Team Champion with Sophie James.  Kimberly Williams was more than happy to step in her place as tag team champion, thus allowing Marie to not only get back to a singles career in UWA but to expand further into SCW as well.  Marie was free to go after her goal of becoming World Champion again.

Winning championships may make some people happy, but Kimberly Williams couldn’t care less about championship gold.  All she cared about was the sheer thrill and enjoyment, not of the competition like some cheesy fan favorites would say, but the sheer thrill and enjoyment of hurting people, and she has the opportunity to do that with or without the UWA World Tag Team Championship.

It makes her participation in the upcoming Collision Course pay per view event quite intriguing.  Why is Kimberly involved if she doesn’t really want to be World Champion?  What purpose does she serve even being involved?  For Kimberly it’s all about helping her sister, Marie.

Kimberly Williams may claim to be a sociopath, and she may very well be a sociopath, but there is a part of her that still feels guilty over what she did in the past to her own family, Marie Jones specifically.  It’s hard to imagine a sociopath with a guilty conscience but Kimberly Williams has one and due to that guilty conscience, she wants to make things right with her twin sister.  This is what led to Kimberly’s participation in the #GingerHoax and taking over as World Tag Team Champion for her.  Marie doesn’t realize it, but Kimberly would do anything for Marie right now.

The same can be said for Collision Course.  Kimberly doesn’t want the title match at Olympus.  She could care less.  She does, however, want to do whatever she can to help her sister Marie win Collision Course and advance to her second straight Olympus main event to compete for the UWA World Championship.

Yet, even with an event such as Collision Course weighing heavily upon her mind, even that isn’t the biggest thing that is bothering Kimberly Williams at this present moment.  What bothers her the most is yet another surprise, especially when you take into consideration that she is a self-described, self-diagnosed sociopath.

It all goes back to Kimberly’s origin. At her birth an enemy of the family, Emma Storm, tricked Angelica Jones, Kimberly’s mother, into giving her up.  Emma took custody of her and quickly took her into a secret location deep in the woods, run down cabin that no one knew about.  Here, in this cabin deep in the woods, Emma and Kimberly would live under the radar, completely unknown to anyone else.  It would be here that Emma Storm, a sociopath herself, would raise Kimberly and mold her into the woman she is today.

There is an argument in psychological circles regarding nature versus nurture.  You could ask the question if Adolf Hitler had been born into better circumstances with better family and a better upbringing would he have turned into a better person, more accepting of others or was he just genetically destined to be the monster he became?  It is argued that Kimberly Williams learned her sociopathic tendencies from Emma Storm.

Later in life Emma would manipulate Kimberly into thinking the Jones family were the enemies.  This would be the ultimate victory, Emma thought; use a Jones family member to destroy the entire Jones family.  Despite Kimberly’s best efforts, she did destroy the family.  And she eventually realized the truth.  She realized that Angelica and Marie were her true family and that Emma had been lying to her and manipulating her the entire time.

An enraged Kimberly would spend the next several years of her life trying to track down Emma.  For Emma’s part, she knew she was being hunted and she did her best to stay under the radar.  But Kim knew all of her tricks; Emma taught her most of them.  Kimberly eventually tracked her down, kidnapped her, and locked her up in the basement of an abandoned house.  There Kimberly would spend most of her days torturing her week in and week out as a punishment for Emma’s crimes.

What Kimberly didn’t count on was the reemergence of Emma’s old flame, a man known as David Burns.  Kimberly remembers him quite well and those memories are not pleasant ones.  She remembers how abusive he was to both her and Emma.  By Kimberly eighteenth birthday, David was kicked out.  Kimberly thought she had seen the last of David Burns.

Recently David returned to the scene, after tracking down Kimberly and Marie.  He threatened them both, demanding to know where Emma was so that he could find her and talk to her.  He wanted to try and reunite with her andrekindle their relationship.  There’s only one problem…

…in a recent fit of rage Kimberly murdered Emma Storm.  The woman David Burns is seeking is dead.

Burns will be back and Kimberly knows it because she knows him.  She knows he will not give up on his quest to find Emma.  Kimberly is now worried about what he will do when he learns that he will not get the opportunity to rekindle his relationship with Emma.  What will he did when he find out Emma Storm is dead?

The basement containing the dead body of Emma Storm is dark and damp.  The smell of death itself fills the air.  Emma’s body lies on the ground, lifeless, still chained to the ground.  It’s still and quiet.  Until…

…the door at the top of the stairs swings open!  Light from out in the hall comes pouring in, giving some light to the darkness of the basement.  Then a feminine silhouette steps in the doorway.  The voice that comes next tells us that this is Kimberly Williams.

“Emma!  I’m hoooooome!”

She snickers somewhat nastily with a hint of sarcasm as she begins to descend the stairs.  Slowly but surely she makes her way down until she gets to the bottom of the stairs.  Then she reaches over and flips a switch, turning on the lights in the basement.  We can see that Kimberly is wearing torn denim jeans, black boots, and a black “Straight Edge Sophie” t-shirt.

Yes, she is the reason why Emma is lying lifeless on the floor right now, but it appears as if that fact doesn’t even phase her.  She seems unmoved by the look of death itself that lies at her feet.  In fact, she laughs about it.

“Oh, Emma, poor sweet dear, I wish you could see me now!”

She kneels down next to Emma’s body, placing an arm on her head, running her hand through Emma’s long blonde hair.

“The world thinks of me as nothing more than a sociopathic monster.”

She shrugs her shoulders.

“And you know, maybe I am?  But you were worse than I ever was.  You meticulously planned and plotted to separate me and my sister from one another and from our mother.  And why? Just because you were jealous of Angelica Jones?”

She snatches her head by her hair and jerks her head up, glaring into her lifeless eyes.


Kimberly roughly drops Emma’s head back to the floor.  Kimberly sighs as she tries to calm down.

“You were successful in one way.  Angelica Jones did lose a daughter.”

Tears form in Kimberly’s eyes.

“Nature versus nurture?  I don’t buy into the whole nature bullshit at all.  I know who I should be today, I know who I would have been.  Just look at Marie and that’s who I would have been had I been raised by my real mother, by Angelica Jones.”

Kimberly begins to cry uncontrollably now.

“Why couldn’t you have taken her?!”

Kimberly begins to pound away at Emma’s body, beating her over and over again with her fists.


Kimberly stops beating on the corpse.  Instead she buries her face on Emma’s body and begins to cry on it.

“But instead I’m the monster…I’m the black sheep of the family…mom doesn’t want to even acknowledge my existence…and it’s your fault, Emma…”

Kimberly sits back up and wipes the tears from her eyes as she tries to recompose herself.

“Congratulations, Emma.  You fucked me up for life.  I guess it’s only fair I ended your life.”

Kimberly stands back up.  She walks over to a nearby wall and gets a set of keys.  She kneels down to the floor and uses them to slowly, one by one, undo the chains that have kept the body of Emma Storm chained to the floor ever since Emma was kidnapped months ago.

“Unfortunately, you are fucking me over in death just as you did in life.  So while I’d love to just leave you here, I still need you for something.”

Kimberly uses her weight to hoist Emma’s lifeless corpse up to its feet.  A wicked grin forms across her face.

“This reminds me of a movie…wait for it…”

She chuckles.


Scene 2
Off Camera

“Eighty-Nine bottles of beer on the wall, eighty nine bottles of beer…”

Kimberly Williams is in her vehicle, a red sports car, riding down the road in Boston, Massachusetts.  In the passenger’s side next to her is the corpse of Emma Storm.  The body is buckled in for safe-keeping, as if her safety mattered anymore.  And also much to Kimberly’s annoyance, the corpse is not singing along.

“C’mon, Emma!  Sing with me!”

Kim returns to her singing.

“…you take one down, you pass it around, eighty-eight bottles of beer on the wall!  Eighty-eight bottles…”

She turns her attention from the road and back to Emma.

“C’mon, Emma, sing!  Sing…eighty-eight bottles of…”

Kim snickers nastily and gives Emma’s body a shove, causing the body to slump over in the seat.

“You’re no fun, Emma!”

Kim pinches her nose.

“You smell bad, too!  TAKE A BATH!”

She laughs at her own bad joke as she returns her attention back to the road.  She knows it’s game time, for her destination is coming up just over the horizon.  In fact, she can see it now.  A warmer, more pleasant grin comes across her face as she sees her arrival location…


The red sports car pulls up next to the home of her twin sister Marie Annabelle Jones in Boston, Massachusetts.  Kimberly looks over at the corpse and pats it on the back.

“We’re here!  You remember, Marie, don’t you?  Or did your memory go dead just like the rest of ya?”

She snickers nastily as she brings the car to a complete stop.  Kimberly then unbuckles her seatbelt and Emma’s.  Kimberly exits the driver’s side and then skips over to the passenger’s side of the car.  She opens the door and gently helps the lifeless corpse out of the car, wrapping an arm around her shoulder to help prop it up.

“Come on, Emma…it’s time we go see sissy!”

Kimberly, with the lifeless body of Emma Storm around her shoulder, walks up the walkway to the front door of her sister’s large home in Boston, Massachusetts.  Kimberly immediately rings the doorbell and waits patiently for a response.  Receiving no response, Kimberly rings the doorbell again.  Again there is a pause, but this time she does hear footsteps from within coming closer.  Kimberly waits and eventually she hears the door unlocking.  The door swings open and Kimberly sees her sister Marie Jones standing there.

“Kimberly, what are…”

She suddenly notices Emma.  Marie gasps.


Marie looks over at Kimberly.

“Kim…what did you do?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

Kim sniffs the air.

“Smells like death, babe, and there is a REASON for that!”

Marie holds a hang over her mouth in shock.

“You killed her?!”


Kimberly nods her head.

“…kinda, yeah.”

Marie rolls her eyes but quickly motions for Kimberly to come inside.

“Get in here.”

Kimberly gently helps the lifeless corpse into the home.  Marie immediately checks to make sure no one saw them before getting back inside herself and then slamming the door shut behind her.  Marie turns towards Kimberly, who still holds onto the body, and sighs.

“Ok, just…just put her on the floor somewhere.”

“But she would much rather sit.”

“Be serious, Kim!”

Kimberly nods her head.

“I am being serious!  Emma likes to sit.  Don’t you, Emma?”

Without warning Marie rears back and slaps her twin sister Kimberly Williams across the face.

“You want me to help you, you want me to protect you, and then you do shit like this?  You act like this?!”

Marie shakes her head with disappointment.

“Why can’t you just act normal?”

Kimberly drops the body on the floor.  Tears form in her eyes as she stares across at Marie.

“Why can’t I be normal?  That’s really fucking easy for you to say, Marie.”

Marie points an accusatory finger at her twin.

“You got the blessing of being rescued by our mother.  You got the benefit of being raised by a normal stable family.  You got the luxury of living in wealth and privilege.”

She pats herself on the chest.

“I was kidnapped as a child and raised by a sociopathic monster.  Don’t you think I want to be normal?  Marie, I want everything you have.  I want your life.  I want to be you because you’re normal.  I’ll never be normal.  I’m a monster and there’s no way I can fix that.”

Kimberly bends over and picks the body back up.  She starts to head back towards the door.  Marie watches her carefully.

“Kim, wait…where are you going?”

“Away.  I’m leaving because clearly I am a problem for you.”

Tears are flowing down Kim’s cheek.

“I’m a sociopathic monster.  I understood it when our mom didn’t want to acknowledge me.  Who would want to acknowledge a crazy bitch like me?  I understood it when our sister Jessica didn’t accept me.  She’s a bit of a snob anyway.  But we’re twins, Marie.  Identical twins.  Same mother, same father.  I was hoping at least you’d accept me.”

Kimberly shakes her head.

“But it’s clear you don’t want me either.”

Kimberly pushes the door open and walks away with Emma’s corpse in tow.

On Camera

Oh no, woe is me, I lost the UWA World Tag Team Championships!  Insert line about how I will have my revenge against Gwennie-Poo and Connie-Poo and regain my tag team titles and become the greatest tag team in all of space and time with my straight edge friend Sophie James.  Insert five to ten minute diatribe about how I will not let this setback get me down and how I will refocus on the bigger goal of becoming UWA World Champion.  Insert line about how I am excited about the upcoming Collision Course pay per view and how I will do my best to win it all with the hopes of being in the main event of Olympus!

Gosh, jolly, gee!

Now then that I said what society expects a wrestler to say, allow me to tell you what is really going through the mind of The Woman Scorned.

First of all, I do love the concept of Collision Course and I really am looking forward to it, but not because of the opportunity to be in the main event of Olympus competing for the UWA World Championship.  I do not really care if I ever win a world championship.  Titles are meaningless to me.  I fight for the sheer joy I receive when I hurt people.  Hearing my victim’s screams of agony really turns me on.  That’s why I do what I do.  I wrestle because it’s a legal excuse to assault people.  If I assaulted people in any other setting, I’d be arrested.

I love the concept of Collision Course because of the sheer chaos of it all!  People will be randomly assigned tag team partners!  Arch rivals could be forced to work together for a common goal!  Those teams may very well self-destruct in the ring and fight one another rather than their opponents!  It’s great!

I told Drew and Davey to call it TRIOS but they thought that was a bad idea.  Eh, what do I know, right?

Those teams who can manage to get along or, at the very least have the good luck enough to win and survive their matches, will advance to the next stage; giant clusterfuck of a rumble match!

Now if random tag team pairings weren’t good enough, clusterfucks make it even better!  Clusterfucks are, by definition, chaos.  This environment Drew and Davey just invented was built for someone like me.

The next question is, what purpose do I serve being in this lovely match if I don’t want the world title?  It is a good question, because even if I am here just for the legal opportunity to assault a bunch of unfortunate idiots I’ll be sharing the ring with, there is still the question of what happens to the winner?  I don’t want the win because I don’t care about the world title.  That’s not what I want.

I’m here in Collision Course for two reasons…first is to hurt people, to assault people, and to make people suffer.  The second reason I’m in Collision Course is to help my sister Marie Annabelle Jones win.

The UWA World Championship is Marie’s thing.  It’s her little obsession.  Though if you ask me, all of you asshats in UWA are a bit too obsessed with being world champion, but that’s just my opinion.  If Marie wants to be unhealthily obsessed with being world champion, fine, then I’ll help feed her obsession by getting her one step closer towards the world championship.

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