Thursday, September 26, 2019


September 22nd, 2019
Baltimore, Maryland
Off Camera

Backstage the Royal Farms Arena  in Baltimore, Maryland is bustling with action and excitement.  A little over an hour from now SCW Apocalypse will begin and the athletes and officials who will be taking part in this event are already beginning the preparations.  In the case of the somewhat eccentric, if not downright insane, Kimberly Williams, she is already dressed to compete in her wrestling gear.  Tonight she and her identical twin sister Marie Jones will challenge for the SCW World Tag Team Championship against Autumn Valentine and Ryan Watson.  The Woman Scorned has a sinister grin on her face as she hops and skips through the backstage area chanting “stabby, stabby, stabby” over and over again.  Some stare, but most ignore, for they are used to her antics by now.  Kimberly Williams eventually hops and skips into a dark, empty part of the arena.  A boiler room, perhaps?  Either way, she is alone.

Or is she?

“Oh Jessie, Jessie, Jessie,” Kimberly says in a sing-song voice “you really think you can sneak up on meeeeee?”

Kimberly spins around in time to watch “The Archangel” Jessica Lasiewicz step out from within the shadows.  A stoic, undisturbed, emotionless gaze is upon the face of the reigning one half of the GCW World Tag Team Champions as she stares across at this eccentric ginger standing before her.  Jessica may not like to admit it, but this is her half-sister.  This is family, whether she wants to claim her or not.

“I used to be able to sneak up on you.” Lasiewicz pauses and scratches her chin as if in thought.  “Maybe I need to get more training from my aunt Mags [Magdalena Lasiewicz]?”  

“Orrrrr how about you stop trying to be some kind of super secret spy person, huh?” Kimberly asks, approaching Jessica. “I mean, I thought you and Summer had some fashion gimmick now?  Fabulous, am I right?”

“Yes.” Jessica remarks pointedly.

“Before that you were pure.  And there was that time you had a cheerleader gimmick.”

“Do we have to bring up all of my past, Kimberly?” Jessica asks, sounding somewhat annoyed.  The Woman Scorned nods her head quickly.

“Oh yes!  Definitely!  Because YOU don’t know who you are, young lady!” Kimberly pokes her in the chest. “And before you interrogate me it is you’re here to interrogate me about…” Williams tilts her head to one side, looking curiously at her half-sister “ ARE here to interrogate me, right?  I mean, you wouldn’t have stalked me for no reason, right?”

“Yes, I am here to ask you a few questions.” Jessica answers after a frustrated sigh.

“So yeah, before you go grilling me like a grilled cheese sandwich maybe YOU should look in the mirror and find out just who the hell you are, hmmmm?”

The Archangel stares into the eyes of The Woman Scorned who simply smiles back at her with a look of mischief upon her face.  Lasiewicz hates to admit when this eccentric woman makes a good point but she does make a good point in this case.  Finally Jessica nods her head.

“Fine.  I will answer your question, but only if you hear me out.  Deal?”

“It’s a deal!” Kimberly nods her head emphatically.

“Excellent, because I have a great deal to say to you.”

“Awww and here I thought you were gonna grill me!” Kimberly says, trying to sound disappointed.

“The problem I have with you, Kimberly, is that I cannot figure you out.  There are times when I see you with Marie and it appears as if you are sincere, as if you have truly changed, despite your somewhat…” Jessica pauses as she attempts to some up with the appropriate words.  Finally they come to her. “...unconventional methods.  But then there are other times when I see you in action, when I see you stapling people or bludgeoning people, and the times when I listen to you threaten your opponents and the graphic details of what you want to do them, and those times remind me of how you tricked Marie.”

The Archangel shakes her head. “I love Marie.  She is a saint.  But she is also naive.  She trusted you once and you took advantage; you kidnapped her and took her place in her life.  I just want confirmation from you that you will not betray her.  Because if you do…”

“If I do betray her you will rain down hell, fire, brimstone, evil, four more years of Trump, and all other kinds of unthinkable and torturous things!  Got it!  But Jess, what you fail to grasp is the one thing that no one seems to understand, no one can possibly understand, is that Marie saved my life.” Kimberly’s face breaks as she shows a rare sign of emotion. “She took a chance on me and tried to rehabilitate me.  Was she totally successful?  That’s up for debate.  But she was successful enough that I feel guilty for what I did to her.  Guilty enough to devote the rest of my life to helping her.  Case in point, I knew Marie was walking into a trap by siding with Dark Fantasy.  I knew those bitches were corrupt as hell.  But I stood by Marie’s side and helped them anyway, because I felt I owed it to Marie.  I would put a bullet in my head if Marie asked me to do it.”

“I get it, I get it,” Jessica remarks shaking her head “no need to exaggerate.”

“I’m not exaggerating.” Kimberly says, looking dead serious.

“Whatever.” Jessica sighs and rolls her eyes. “In any event, you’ve convinced me.”

Jessica turns to walk away but Kimberly calls out after her. “Whoa!  You’re not done yet, Jessie!”

The Archangel stops.  She turns and faces Kimberly.  “I had hoped you had forgotten.”

“No such luck, sis.” Kimberly winks. “You are such a confusing individual.  You’ve been a cheerleader, you’ve been part of that purity cult of Loretta Inglewood’s, and now you and Summer are a pair of fashionista’s.  I don’t know if this is multiple personalities or just some multilayered bullshit.  But tell me, who the hell are you?”

“I hate you.” Jessica says pointedly. “You have to ask the tough questions.”

“What can I say?  It’s a gift!” Kimberly proudly declares.

“Well it’s tough, you know?  You may not realize it, but you and Marie do have it lucky in the sense that only one of your parents was a world famous professional wrestler; our mother, Angelica Jones.  But me?  I have the added pressure of having come from TWO world famous professional wrestling families.  My mother is Angelica Jones and my father is Andreas Lasiewicz.”

The Archangel runs a hand through her long red hair. “It was fun at first, before I officially made my debut.  Once I debuted as a wrestler myself it became clear that people would only view me as either the daughter of Angelica Jones or the daughter of Andreas Lasiewicz, depending upon who you were talking to.  Finding my own identity was extremely difficult.  I thought teaming with Summer but even then people based our identities off of our families.”

A low chuckle escapes her lips. “That was our own fault and I realized that early on.  We chose the name Fame & Fortune, the name my mother and Summer’s sister-in-law used when they teamed up.  So of course people would identify us with them.  I never told Summer about my frustrations, I probably should have.  Though the decision was taken from me when Summer provoked Neil Newman and Kyle Butler of Golden Era.  Talked ourselves into a match where their careers would end if we won but if they won we would have to become their personal cheerleader valets.”

There is a long, tense pause as Jessica lowers her gaze in shame; not wanting to look back up at Kimberly.  The Woman Scorned immediately picks up on this tell. “Oh my threw the match?!”

“No, I did not throw the match.  I do have too much pride for that.  But yes, I did WANT to lose the match.  I was that desperate for an identity, any identity, of my own.  We were cheerleaders for awhile but it became clear that at the time that they weren’t going to let us wrestle, so we earned our freedom from that contract and yet again I was stuck as just the daughter of Angelica Jones and Andreas Lasiewicz.  Until Loretta Inglewood and Gabriella Austin entered my life.”

“The purity lady.” Kimberly mockingly gags.  Jessica stares angrily at Kimberly.

“Through Loretta Inglewood and Gabriella Austin I was introduced to the concept of purity.  Through purity I found an identity of my own.  For a time it was good, for a time I was happy.  But then I realized that I was just a follower.  I was part of Loretta’s identity.  So I took it and attempted to make it my own.  It nearly got my thrown into a psychiatric ward and it would have had it not been for my old friend Summer Collins.”

Jessica smiles warmly. “Summer and I were friends again and Summer had an idea, an idea for us to retake the tag team division under a new banner and an identity all our own.  The identity of Fabulous.  So who am I?”  Lasiewicz shrugs her shoulders. “I am Angelica and Andreas’s daughter.  I am a cheerleader.  I am an agent of purity.  I am Fabulous.  I am all of those things, Kim.  And I hate it.  I hate it more than you can imagine.”

The Archangel turns and slowly walks away. “I envy you, Kimberly.  The world views you as a psychopath but at least you have that as YOUR identity.  I either have someone else’s identity or I have too many identities.  I wish I could figure out just one thing that I am…”

Kimberly watches as her half-sister slowly disappears into the shadows.

September 25th, 2019
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

When the day is growing old and the nighttime calls, the sun sinks down beneath the tops of the pines.  On these days the fogs cast those same beams of light into sepia tones and the woodland becomes the most beautiful of photographs. And never is the woodland silent, though it is quieter than any city street, that’s for certain. There are the birds above, calling, pecking for grubs. This forest is ancient. The trees thick and old, roots that were twisted. It might once have been filled with bird-song and animals that roamed. But now it was ages past its former glory. It's canopy was so dense that you could only see the occasional streak of sunlight that rarely touched the forest floor.

The forest is also all but empty.  Small animals and birds are sparse with the exception of one lone human female roaming around the forest floor.  She is not a very well liked individual in her circles.  In fact, one may find that she has just one true friend in Supreme Championship Wrestling; that being Drake Hemmingway.  And yes, that would make this female none other than Loretta Inglewood.  Is she awaiting the arrival of Drake?  Is he supposed to meet her in this empty yet beautiful fall forest?  No.  It is yet one more individual who understands Loretta, and perhaps another individual who considers her a friend.

“Dobrze przestrzegasz wskazówek.” The voice doesn’t startle Loretta.  It is a familiar one.  She turns around to find a woman with red hair, though the ginger locks are not her natural color which is actually black, a long ankle length black skirt, and black high heeled boots, and a silk purple button up blouse.  This is “The Archangel” Jessica Lasiewicz.  A stoic, unphased, emotionless gaze is upon her lovely features as she stares directly ahead at Loretta Inglewood.

These two have quite a history together.  Jessica, along with her best friend and co holder of the GCW World Tag Team Championship Summer Collins, at one point was assimilated into Loretta’s purity movement.  She had joined not necessarily out of agreement with Loretta’s lifestyle but because her friend, Summer, had been brainwashed into it.  Jessica did not want to abandon her friend.  Jessica would tear Summer away from Loretta, creating a tension between the two but many years later Jessica would rejoin the purity movement, this time because she allegedly did buy into it and she was hell bent on forcing it onto others; much like Loretta does now with those who cross her path in SCW.

The Archangel would again abandon the concept of purity.  She would rejoin her friend Summer Collins and regain the GCW World Tag Team Championships not for purity but for a concept they call Fabulous.  Still, the question remains, what of Jessica’s relationship with Loretta Inglewood?  Where does it stand?

“I am happy to see you again, Jessica. Wish it was under better circumstances.” Loretta sincerely said. 

“Okoliczności zależą całkowicie od ciebie.”

Luckily for Loretta, she was able to understand exactly what Jessica said. “I am fully aware that all this hinges on me. When I was addressing Cassidy [Carter] the day before Apocalypse, I was caught in my zest to let everyone watching know that I am serious about purging SCW of its filth. Cassidy and Kimberly are similar in their chaotic nature, just made me think about your sister being one half of the tag team champions. I am not going to take that back, she is a bad role model for the children. SCW deserves better.” 

“First, I am pleased that you remember enough Polish to translate what I said.” A smile finally crosses Jessica’s lips. “Second, as far as your mission in SCW is concerned, I cannot help but agree with your methodology.”

Lasiewicz snarls. “There are certain individuals who are beyond help and should be purged from this industry.  Cassidy is one of them because she cannot be helped, she cannot be salvaged.  Others should be allowed to choose.  Cassidy is not one of those who should be granted the right to choose.  On that we agree.  Kimberly, on the other hand, is my sister.  Whether I like it or not, she is family.  And trust me, I do not always like it.”

The Archangel shuts her eyes tightly as memories come flooding back. “She kidnapped Marie.  Everyone knows that by now.  What people do not know is the lengths I went to rescue her.  Do you recall the one known as Prince Kamijo?”

Loretta shudders at the mentioning of the name. “I’d prefer to pretend he doesn’t exist.” 

“As insane and corrupt as he is, he is equally as good at getting answers.  When Kimberly took Marie’s place I sent him after her and he was the one who found out for me that the public Marie was, in fact, Kimberly Williams.  Do not ask what kind of payment he wanted for that job.” Jessica shudders.

“When Kimberly got locked up after that incident I was pleased, thinking that she was out of our lives for good.  Then when Marie reached out in an attempt to change her, to make her good, I was enraged.  You have no idea how angry I was with Marie for thinking she could change Kimberly.”

The Archangel nods her head. “But she did change her.  Has she changed her completely?  No.  Do I trust her?  Hell no.  But what I can tell about my half-sister is that she definitely has good intentions, even if the way she goes about her good intentions is not exactly pure in the eyes of you and me.”

“I... believe you. Jessica, none of this is easy for me. All I see when I look at Kimberly is a woman who runs around with a staple gun, shouting stabby stabby every chance she can. Some may chalk that down to being eccentric, cute, whatever... but I believe her when she says those things. She’s scary. She has a national platform to promote her ‘eccentricity.’ I worry about the wellfare of anyone who watches TV believing the way your sister acts is ok.” Loretta pauses. She grabs Jessica’s hand. She looks sad, conflicted almost. “If she wasn’t your sister I wouldn’t think twice about what needs to be done. I can’t change the fact that she is. And I also can not change the fact I care about you. We’ve been in and out of each others lives for as long as I can remember. I wish you came back home, I would prefer you under the same roof with me and Drake. We are actually living at the Mason family estate now. It’s odd. Quite comfortable. Me, living somewhat of a life of luxury, who would have guessed.” Loretta smirks. “I always believe that we are destined to be in each others lives, this current one, past ones, future ones. The thought of losing your friendship over this does scare me. But I don’t know what else to do. To overlook Kimberly is to turn my back on my crusade. I don’t know where we go from here. So I’ll ask you, what do you want from me.”

There is a long pause as Jessica ponders the words spoken by Loretta.  Finally The Archangel sighs and shakes her head. “Our friendship will never be in danger, Loretta.  You purified me and for that I will always be grateful.  But I had to take a step away from purity.  I let it go too far in GCW and were it not for the actions of Summer reaching out to help me when I needed it the most I would have become the third member of my family to end up spending time in a mental ward.  My career could have ended but Summer saved me.  I owe a great deal to her but more than anything, I know I needed to step away from the mission of purity if only for a short time.  But know that our friendship will never end, Loretta.”

A much more serious look crosses her face. “That being said, you DO have my permission to target Kimberly if you feel this is a necessity.  I will not judge you nor will I try to stop you.  I do warn you, however, that targeting Kimberly is to bring about destruction.  So be careful.”

Loretta’s face lights up. With a solemn nod reples. “I will. Always. Thank you for giving me the comfort in knowing we will be fine. I don’t have many friends--” Loretta hesitates. “--you and Drake are the only ones, in fact. Glad we had this talk.” 

“You don’t have many friends but if you look at the professional wrestling landscape today do you really want any of them as friends?” The Archangel scowls. “It is difficult to find anyone today who cares about the traditions of professional wrestling.  All of them just want to either brag about their sexual exploits, post nude pictures of themselves on twitter, or both.  Not to mention the violence which is not pure wrestling.  It is time that wrestling itself be purified.  This is why I entered the God of Wrestling Tournament.”

“I have faith you’ll win. There is no other option. The world is in desperate need for a shining example. That person is you. ” Loretta smiles.

On Camera


The single voice sounds out in blackness.  A few moments later a spotlight lights up, shining down in the center of what appears to be a wrestling ring.  Jessica Lasiewicz steps into the scene from stage right.  Her naturally black hair is dyed red to match her mother’s family.  She is wearing a long sleeve crimson red dress with a hemline that stops just at the knee.  It is form fitting and hugs every curve.  She is perched atop matching high heeled pumps.  Her GCW World Tag Team Championship belt is draped over her right shoulder.

“Why?  It’s a question I have been asking myself ever since I decided to throw my hat into the ring so to speak for this God of Wrestling Tournament.  I look at the field of fierce athletes and competitors who have entered this tournament.  Some just want to hurt people.  Others are in this for pride and ego.  Why would I enter this tournament?  What do I have to gain?”

Lasiewicz shakes her head. “I can tell you one thing right now, I am not in this to make wrestling ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS...that would be selfish of me and I am in this for selfish reasons.  Besides, I’ve already declared myself to be a goddess once before and it didn’t turn out well for me.”

The Archangel chuckles. “No, I’m not in this for ego to try to prove to anyone and everyone who will listen that I am the best ever.  I know who and what I am.  I know what I am capable of.  I don’t need to explain it to you.  I just let my actions speak for themselves.  This tournament is about purity, the purity of TRADITION…”

“...I come from two legendary wrestling families, my mother Angelica Jones and my father Andreas Lasiewicz, twenty six world championships between the two of those extremely amazing competitors, decades of experience between those two athletes, two athletes who defined a generation.  Back in their prime they didn’t get into senseless twitter wars or post meaningless GIFs or nude pics on social media to get cheap heat.  They did their work in the center of the ring.”

“That, my friends, is tradition.  You go into the ring, do what you need to do, and win or lose you leave it all inside the ring.  I go into the God of Wrestling Tournament to fight for the traditions of wrestling.  And it starts with Lyza Reyes.”

“You should recognize me, Reyes.  Or at least, you should recognize my name.  My name is well known in the HKW circles.  I have friends and family in the HKW Underground, the final surviving brand of the former HKW.  This will be the first time you and I have ever met face to face, so I want to give you one bit of advice.  Do not think of The Silver Eagle and think that defines me.  Do not think about The Gambit and think that defines me.  No, don’t even think of The Morning Star and think that defines me.  They may define my father but they do not define who I am.  I am another beast altogether, one that you may or may not be able to contend with.  You are dealing with The Archangel and I fight for tradition.”

The spotlight suddenly shuts off and we are again left in total darkness.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Inner Peace: Part 5

September 20th, 2019
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

If something seems too good to be true, more often than not it is, in fact, too good to be true.  Marie Annabelle Jones approaches most things with a healthy dose of skepticism, considering she has been screwed over many times by individuals claiming to have all the answers to her problems.  Most recently she bought into the lies told by Katya and Infamous, thinking that it was the best way to get to the top of Supreme Championship Wrestling.  But now she has another problem, a deeper more personal problem; dealing with the grief of losing her husband, Arthur Pond, who committed suicide.

Pain can be hard to deal with, especially if you feel you are all alone.  Marie felt as if she was alone and had nothing left to give, nothing left to live for, so she attempted suicide herself, hoping this would perhaps reunite her with Arthur, or at the very least put an end to her pain.  But then, whether it was happenstance or whether it was divine intervention, Jones was approached by Raul Alfaro, leader of an organization known as The Inner Peace Enlightenment Retreat.

Kimberly Williams, Marie’s identical twin sister, seems to think of it as nothing more than a hippy commune.  Even their mother, Angelica Jones, has her doubts about its validity.  Marie, however, is willing to at least give them a chance, even if it does appear to be rather odd on the face of it.

Alfaro promises spiritual, mental, and emotional healing and yet he has no psychiatrists, no psychologists, not even a licensed practicing preacher of any religious order.  In fact, the only person Marie has met thus far is one very bubbly, happy  Julianne Brady and they are expected to be each other’s mentor, each other’s unofficial ‘psychologist’ if you will, sharing their problems and pains with one another as they try to obtain the healing that they seek.

This group isn’t without rules and regulations.  One such regulation is that Marie must spend at least one full twenty four hour period at the retreat with her friend Julianne Brady.  Marie knows she is pressed for time this week as she must make it to Baltimore, Maryland with her sister Kimberly to challenge Ryan Watson and Autumn Valentine for the SCW World Tag Team Championship.  The Phoenix is completing her twenty four hour period on this Friday afternoon, and it won’t be long until she leaves for Baltimore.  For now, however, she spends her time with Julianne in the courtyard of the Inner Peace Enlightenment Retreat.

The courtyard covered a wide area that could fit about three small houses. It was hilly with a tall tree or two near one hill. There were benches for people to sit in every corner and jogging tracks were all around the edges of the park. The west corner had some swings too on which many could come and sit.  There we miniature formal gardens scattered here and there providing a sight to see, along with ornamental trees and water fountains to create an air of beauty and luxury.  Flower hedges and bushes grew all around; this made the courtyard look more pleasant and attractive.  This place was most beautiful at this time; it as so very pleasurable to relax here and take in some cool fresh air.

Jones and Julianne are walking through the courtyard.  This is really the part Marie likes best; the outside, the fresh air, and the beauty of this nature.  As cheesy as it is, it makes her feel warm inside.  Julianne is carrying a basket in her hand and appears to be leading the way.  The Phoenix doesn’t actually care where she is leading them.  She just enjoys the environment.

“This place is just gorgeous!” Marie exclaims.

“Isn’t it though?” Julianna says joyfully.

“How did I not know a place like this existed before meeting Raul?” Marie asks curiously.  Julianne shrugs her shoulders.

“Massachusetts has some great secrets, Marie.”

“Yeah, but I’ve called Massachusetts home all my life.” Marie retorts. “I thought I knew everything.”

“That’s one step to healing, you know?  Admitting that you don’t always have all the answers.”

“Good point.” Marie states, nodding her head. “And as beautiful as this is, I almost wish we could spend it entirely out here!”

Marie’s eyes shut just momentarily before opening them.  She sighs deeply. “It’s gorgeous.  Staying out here I think would make this twenty four hour period shtick of Raul’s a little more bearable.”

Julianne either doesn’t hear or chooses to ignore Marie’s remark about Raul Alfaro and his ‘twenty four hour period shtick’.  The bubbly blonde seems to make a beeline towards a smallish tree.  When she gets there she drops her basket on the ground.  She reaches inside and produces a blanket, which she unfolds across the grass.  She turns to Marie and motions towards the blanket.

“Make yourself at home, sweetie!” Julianne exclaims.

“I think I’d rather stand.” Marie answers.

“Oh come on, ya spoil sport!” Julianne says, sticking her tongue out. “Sit down, relax!  Enjoy!  You do like it out here, don’t ya?”

“I love it out here.” Marie answers immediately, nodding her head. “It’s just…” her voice trails off.

“It’s just what?” Julianne asks inquisitively. Marie stares into her eyes and finds it difficult to tell her no, almost in the same way a puppy dog gets its way when it looks at you with those big sad eyes.  Jones finally relents and sits down on the blanket.  Julianne applauds happily before lying down on the blanket herself.  “See?  Isn’t this much better?”

“It is comfortable, I’ll give you that.”

“You need to relax more often, sweetie.  Exercises like this where you just sit back and enjoy nature can really help you heal spiritually and mentally.  The more you do this, the more you will feel the stresses of life seeping away.”

Marie admits, this is soothing.  She hears the birds chirping and the slight breeze is a calming force.  Yet she also recalls her conversation with Kimberly.  She knows that she has obligations to her family.  She sighs and shakes her head.

“I wish it were that easy, Julianne.  But I have duties to fulfill.”

“Duties to what?”

“Not to what, to whom.  My family, specifically my sister.  We’re wrestlers and we’re competing for tag team titles Sunday.”

“No one would ask you to neglect your family, especially not me, but Sunday will be there.  Now?  Now is the time for healing.  Forget about Sunday for a moment, just a moment, and let the tensions and the stress seep out of your head and out of your body.”

“Maybe you can do that.” Marie shakes her head. “But not me.”

Julianne sits up and turns to stare at Marie.  A knowing grin forms upon her face. “You seem tense…”

“Thanks Captain Obvious.” Marie says sarcastically.

“You’re funny!” Julianne sticks her tongue out at Marie. “But seriously, you do seem tense.  I get the feeling that you are the type of person who just can’t let things go.  You just can’t let go of the past.  Am I right?  Do you hang onto your problems like a security blanket?”

Jones tilts her head to one side, studying her blonde friend intensely. “What are implying?”

“Please don’t take it the wrong way, sweetie.  I’m just saying that if you are then I totally get you because I used to be the same way.  I was all caught up with so many people’s problems, sometimes directly involved or even indirectly involved, but regardless I would always hold onto them.  Mr. Alfaro taught me that part of the healing process is realizing that I need to let go of the past and move forward with the future, MY future.  And now as you can see, I am happy!”

“Yeah, I can see that.” Marie sighs, nodding her head.  She has to admit, Julianne does seem happier.  But she doesn’t seem to like the idea of just forgetting about her past.  Could she forget about her past even if she wanted to?  From Arthur’s suicide to the betrayal of Infamous, so many mistakes, so many nightmares she wishes would go away, and yet she isn’t sure she can make them go away as easily as Julianne suggests.

“But Julianne, you speak about this as if it’s easy.” Marie shakes her head. “It isn’t.  At least, it won’t be for me.”

“It’s a process, sweetie.” Julianne begins.  She reaches into the basket and produces some grapes.  She takes one grape off and pops it into her mouth.  She offers them to Marie. “Want one?”

“Sure…” Marie reaches out but before she can take them Julianne pops one grape off and tries to put it in Marie’s mouth for her.  Marie backs up, feeling a little awkward at this move. “...uh, no thanks, I can handle it.  She takes the grape from Julianne and pops it into her mouth.”

The blonde shrugs and then pops another grape into her mouth. “It’s like this, Marie.  You’re focusing too much on the negatives in your life.  Focus on the positives.  Focus on the GOOD things you have done instead of the bad.”

“How?” Marie asks skeptically.

“Just tell me, what sort of good things have you done?”

“Like what?”


Marie pauses for a moment to consider.  Has she really done any good lately?  It takes her several seconds to come up with anything but finally she does seem to come up with something to share with her persistent blonde friend.

“My sister Kimberly was a wreck, and I do mean a wreck.  She was in a complete dissarray both mentally and emotionally.  Some called her psychotic and thought she was long gone, some thought that she had no hope.”

“You helped her?” Julianne asks. Marie nods her head.

“I did; and people told me I was crazy.  And maybe I was?  I mean, my sister wasn’t always on good terms with me.  During this dark time in her life she tried to kill me.  But I forgave her for it.”

“How did that make you feel?”

Marie thinks for a moment before smiling slightly. “Good.  It did make me feel real good.”

“See what a difference it makes to focus on the good memories as opposed to the bad?” Julianne points out. “Now tell me another good memory of when you did something good.”

“Well, there was this friend of mine.  Her name was Melinda Jade.  She had to spend some time in prison for some…” Marie pauses to consider how to properly word this “...unfortunate circumstances.  Her own family disowned her and wouldn’t visit her.  But I did visit her.  I continued to visit her on a regular basis until she got out of prison and now I continue to help her as she transitions back to life on the streets.”

“And how did it make you feel to help a lost soul find peace back in society?” Julianne asks.  Marie grins from ear to ear.

“It made me feel awesome!”

“See, Marie?  You can heal through changing your focus away from those negative memories and towards good ones, positive ones.”

“You’re right, Julianne.” Marie nods enthusiastically.  “You’re absolutely right.  But Julianne?”

“Yes?” Julianne asks.  Marie motions to the grapes.

“Gimme one more of those.”  Julianne picks one of the grapes off and offers it to Marie.  The Phoenix won’t take it.  Instead she opens her mouth.  Julianne giggles as she tosses the grape into her best friend’s mouth.

“The healing has begun!” Julianne happily declares.  Marie throws her head back and cries out happily in agreement.  Jones then leans in and embraces her in a tight hug.

“You are truly a godsend, Julianne!” Marie says enthusiastically. “I mean, I know that there is still a long way to go, I know that this is a process and not some quick fix, but already in our short time together you have helped me to feel better about myself!  Soon I know I will be able to move on past this grief that has been plaguing me for far too long!

Marie takes Julianne’s hands and squeezes them tightly. “And I have you to thank!  What can I do to repay you?”

“Your friendship is all I require, sweetie!” Julianne says joyfully. “But there is one thing you can do for me if you must…”

“Anything!” Marie exclaims.

“Good, then see it through.” Julianne states.  Marie is still smiling but it is a more confused smile as she is unsure as to what Julianne meant.  Marie tilts her head to one side.

“What do you mean by that?  Whatever you ask, Julianne, I will see it through.  Just tell me.”

“No, no, you don’t get it.” Julianne shakes her head. “I mean see this through, see this program through to its fruition.”

“Oh…” Marie’s voice fades off as she starts to realize just what Julianne is asking of her.  Julianne confirms as she continues to speak.

“Too often I’ve seen people come through this program and they get the help they need and they leave.   Many would be paired up with me, they promised me friendship as you did, but then the moment they got what they needed they would leave.  And why?” Julianne’s normally joyful demeanor fades into a sad one.  Marie has never seen this from her usually bubbly friend before and finds is disconcerting.

“I don’t know.” Marie states, shrugging her shoulders. “Why would they leave?”

“Because they find this place unorthodox, they find it strange or weird.  Some even go as far as to call us a cult.” Tears form in Julianne’s eyes as she looks at Marie. “Sweetie, we’re just here to help people.  And you, I consider you a friend, much like I considered all of those others who have left the program my friends.  But I’ve never heard from any of them since.”

“They abandoned you.” Marie states.  Julianne nods her head.  Marie leans over and embraces her blonde friend in a tight hug. “I will never EVER abandon you, Julianne!”

“Never?” She asks hopefully.  Marie breaks the embrace.

“Never.” Marie confirms pointedly. “We are in this process of healing until the end!”

On Camera

The SCW logo flashes upon the screen just as “Haunted” by Taylor Swift starts to play in the background.  Then we cut to a standard gray backdrop.  Some of the cameras and lights are in the shot, oddly and strangely enough.  Marie Annabelle Jones, The Crown Jewel of Professional Wrestling,  then enters the scene from stage right. The Phoenix is wearing a long ankle length black skirt, black high heeled pumps, a red blouse, and her signature black leather jacket.  Her long gorgeous ginger red hair hangs unrestrained and straight down to below her shoulders.  Her nails, both finger and toe, are painted a bright red color.  The music slowly comes to a stop as Marie turns to face the camera with a stoic gaze wrapped around her lovely features.

“I grew up around this business we call professional wrestling, watching my mother, Angelica Jones, compete in arenas all over the world.  The more I watched her, the more I wanted to be her.  The more success she gained, the more I wanted that same success.  Thus it should come as to no surprise that I would follow in her footsteps.  As a second generation wrestler I have a deep affection and passion for what I do.  Any opportunity I have to step out from behind that curtain and walk that aisle, to take in the reaction from the crowd, whether it be adulation or even jeers, I enjoy it.  I enjoy the thrill of testing myself against the absolute best this industry has to offer.  Everywhere I go I want to make an impact; and as a former two time SCW Television Champion and a former SCW United States Champion I think I can honestly say that I have made an impact since arriving in this great company.”

The Phoenix shakes her head. “But that’s not enough. Anyone who knows the Jones family will tell you that once one of us reaches the pinnacle, we have this nasty habit of setting the bar even higher, then when we reach that peak we set the bar even higher than that.  We’re never ever satisfied because we know we can always improve upon ourselves.  So I’m not satisfied with what I’ve done thus far in SCW.  I am still three championships away from Supreme Champion.  In recent months my focus has been on winning the SCW World Tag Team Championship with my sister Kimberly.”

A light laugh escapes her lips. “It’s funny, because it really is almost like I am following in my mother’s footsteps.  I remember the two times she became SCW World Tag Team Champion alongside HER sister, my aunt Kayla Jones.  The Sisterhood defeated Standing Room Only and then defeated Honor Code.  I was there both times to watch it go down, to watch the title change hands.  And it’s nothing against James Evans, who is a tremendous athlete and who had a hell of a tag title run with my mother, but I will always remember Angelica for her run with The Sisterhood.”

“Now myself and Kimberly have the opportunity to do the same thing.  Sisters, standing united, challenging for the SCW World Tag Team Championship.  Winning the titles at Apocalypse would mean so much to me because not only would I have added to my already impressive SCW resume, not only would I be one step closer to Supreme Champion, not only would I be following in the footsteps of my mother, but I would also be doing it with my best friend in the entire world and my twin sister, Kimberly Williams.”

Jones points a finger into the camera. “But what about you?  What about Ryan Watson and Autumn Valentine, the reigning and defending champions?” She lets out a low chuckle. “You know, this is probably the part where I’m supposed to talk about your accomplishments and how I respect that, or I could insult you based upon your lack of any sense of decency, but you clearly don’t give a damn about anything, let alone my opinion about you, so why bother?  What I will say is that it disgusts me to think that you don’t give a damn about the SCW World Tag Team Championship.”

“Oh now I’m sure you do care at least a little bit about being champion, despite what your team name implies.  After all, being champion brings with it prestige, glory, and more money and who wouldn’t want that?  But you don’t care about the heritage of the SCW World Tag Team Championship because otherwise you wouldn’t stoop to the lowest of the lows to retain your titles.  And maybe if you actually gave a damn about the championships then maybe you wouldn’t call people like Ravyn and Syren friends.”

Marie nods her head. “Yeah, that’s directed at you Autumn.  You’re besties with those bitches who pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes, including mine.  I’ve been itching to get my pound of flesh from that experience for quite some time, I’ve been itching to redeem myself from that entire period, and you two, as far as I’m concerned, are guilty by association.  You choose to befriend people like that, you end up with enemies like me and Kim.”

“And that’s what really matters, isn’t it?  At the end of the day who gives a damn about the games we’ve been playing with you...well, mainly Kim has been playing with you? Clearly you don’t.  You’ve made that perfectly obvious.  And do we care about the games you play or the tactics you will no doubt use to try and leave Apocalypse as the champions?” Jones shakes her head defiantly. “Absolutely not.  Use any dirty tricks or cheap tactics you wish, because you will have to reach deep down into your bag of tricks to survive, and yet I’m here to tell you right here and now that you won’t survive.  Kim and I are determined to win those titles no matter what games you decide to play at Apocalypse.”

The Phoenix shakes her head. “So no, we don’t care either.  All that we care about is winning and restoring honor and prestige to the SCW World Tag Team Championships.  All that Twin Magic cares about is following in the footsteps of our mother and aunt, the two time SCW World Tag Team Champions The Sisterhood. We care because we care about professional wrestling, we care about SCW, and whether we beat some respect into you, whether we MAKE you give a damn doesn’t matter, because regardless of all that we are still going to kick the hell out of both of you and walk away with the gold.”

Just then as Marie begins to wrap up her point, the identical twin sister of Marie, none other than “The Woman Scorned” Kimberly Williams, steps into view from stage right.  She is wearing torn denim jeans, flip flops, and a black t-shirt which reads “I Stole Ryan Watson’s” underwear.  She appears somewhat impatient as she approaches her sibling.

“Are you done yet?  You’re taking forever!”

“We’re still recording, Kim.”

“Seriously?” Kim asks.  Marie nods her head and points to the camera.  Kimberly waves her hand excitedly at the camera.  “Oh!  Hello Ryan! Hi there Autumn!  Has Marie told you about our top secret strategy for outwitting you, outwrestling you, and beating the holy hell out of you to take your tag titles at Apocalypse?  Huh?  Huh?  Did she?!”

“I did.” Marie responds, nodding her head.

“Good, because we are!  We are coming for you titles, we are coming for you soul, we are…”

“Their souls, Kim?” Marie asks skeptically.

“Ok, fine, they don’t HAVE souls, but if they DID have souls we would take them too and sell them on ebay!  Why?  Because we can!”

“I don’t think you can sell a soul on ebay.” Marie remarks.  Kimberly shrugs her shoulders.

“Hey I can try, right? But you know what we can do?  We can walk into Apocalypse, smack Autumn and Ryan silly, and take those tag team titles.  But we’re not going to sell those on ebay.” Williams shakes her head. “Oh no, no, no...Marie and I are a little selfish, and unlike you two bozos, we actually do give a crap, so we’ll keep those titles all to ourselves!”

The Phoenix wraps an arm around her sister’s shoulder and neck, pulling her close.  Kimberly does the same.  “Thanks, Kim!  Now Ryan, Autumn, I do hope you’re watching this.  Hell, I’m not sure you actually would watch this because you do claim not to give a f….”

“FUDGE!” Kimberly exclaims.

“ yes, I hope you’re watching but I know that’s questionable at best knowing you two.  But if you are, I want you to understand that Kim and I are going to be unstoppable heading into Apocalypse.  We are laser focused on those tag team championships and we are not leaving Baltimore empty handed.  And there’s nothing you two can do about it because we do care, we do give a f…”

“FUDGE!” Kimberly exclaims again.

“Right, that.” Marie winks at the camera. “See you Sunday…”

The camera fades to black.