Thursday, May 8, 2014

A Brand New Me

What I Learned
On Camera

I was taught by my parents to look for a silver lining in the dark clouds.  Sometimes, however, those clouds are so dark that it is nearly impossible to find any silver lining.  Take, for instance, my being kidnapped.  My own psychotic half-sister Kimberly Williams kidnapped me and kept me locked away for months.  I was fed one meal a day, simply so I could be kept alive.  In Kim’s psychotic mind it was so that I would always live on knowing my life was over.  But for me it had allowed me to cling onto some amount of hope, hope that I could escape.

That silver lining you look for consists not only of hope but of lessons that you take away from the experience.  In my case I learned real quick who my true friends were, I learned quickly who truly cared about me, and who was full of shit.

Kimberly was carless.  Kimberly grew arrogant, thinking that with me locked up in her basement that there was no hope for me to escape, so she told a few of her former allies and close friends in the industry.  Did those people, many of whom claimed to be my friends, bother to try and help me?  Did they lift a finger to help at all in any way, if even to just tell the police or other law enforcement authorities?

No one bothered.  No one cared.  The only ones who took the time of day to help me were my family.  My sister Jessica helped me, my Aunt Kayla helped me, even Jessica’s aunt Magdalena helped me.  Even two of the most annoying people on this planet, Kamijo and Leviticus, helped me.  Yet people who claimed to be my friends couldn’t be bothered.

My half-sister Kimberly will spend the rest of her days rotting away in a mental hospital and quite frankly that’s exactly where she needs to be.  Everyone else whom she told but didn’t lift a finger to help is, in my opinion, an accomplice and will feel my wrath.

What I learned in this experience is that life cutthroat and you have to be cutthroat in order to survive it.  I reached out to my sister and what happened as a result?  I got kidnapped.  Jessica’s viciousness in her seeking me out, her willingness to do anything to rescue me, is why I am here today.

Even on New Age on Riot the facts of life are clearly on display.  I’m not sure if I’ve had a match in IWC yet where there wasn’t outside interference.  Has anyone been fined for that outside interference?  No, not a soul was fined.  No one was punished for it.  Can’t hardly blame all of that on Frankie or Drake.  Is there an anchor tied to Orlando’s bald headed ass that is keeping him from fining people who disrupt the order of the events?

Then you have groups of people like Sinistry who take insanity to all new level.  Those freaks were going to crucify Katelyn Buehler.  Attempted murder, anyone?  And yet hell, not even a fucking fine let alone no charges pressed against them.

This is why Apocalypse is back and why I am a part of it.  Chaos is the rule of the day in IWC and no one gives a damn.  You need to be cutthroat to survive and you need to have people you can trust to have your back.  I trust Aerik Walker, Jackson Adams, Danny Darko, and my sister Jessica to have my back.  And not only do they have my back, but together we are going to fix the problem within IWC.

Off Camera

Different wrestling companies have their own rules and regulations that you must abide by if you want to compete there.  Before I joined the Independent Wrestling Cartel I was part of the Global Division of Wrestling.  GDW had its own rules that every superstar had to abide by but one particular rule that I really and truly did agree with and supported whole-heartedly was the requirement that every superstar must have a mental health evaluation and clearance before competing inside of a GDW wrestling ring.  The only other place I knew of that had a staff psychiatrist and had that same rule was the Millennium Wrestling Alliance.  The MWA and GDW both wanted to make sure that anyone who competed in their rings were mentally stable and were not some dangerous maniacs.

Dr. Jennifer Warren had been GDW’s staff psychiatrist up until the moment GDW closed its doors.  I always took my regular visit to Dr. Warren as required by GDW and, as was the norm, I would pass with flying colors.  I often wondered how certain people would get by under her radar.  People like my sister Kimberly Williams, who recently kidnapped me in IWC, passed the GDW mental evaluation.  But then again, Kimberly is very deceptive and very manipulative.  I can see how she could fool Dr. Warren.  Other than that one strange incident, few competitors ever did manage to fool Dr. Warren.  If you did not pass her evaluation, you did not compete.

With the closing of GDW everyone had to go their own separate ways.  I ended up competing for Global Championship Wrestling, the Future Wrestling Alliance, and IWC.  I ply my trade in all three organizations but none of them have a staff psychiatrist.  Maybe I don’t really need one?  Many say I am the sane member of the Jones family, after all, but that isn’t saying much if you know the past history of my mother, and even my sister Jessica.

Still, Jessica suggested and I agreed that after an event as traumatic as being kidnapped that perhaps I did need to at least speak to a psychiatrist one time just to see where I am mentally.  In this case, I could not think of anyone else to go see except for Dr. Jennifer Warren.

Warren has her own private practice now that GDW closed its doors and she has done rather well for herself.  She shares a three story office building with another practice in Raleigh, North Carolina where GDW had originally been headquartered.  I am taking a side trip here to visit Dr. Warren before I head off to Europe for the IWC UK Tour.   There I will have to contend with Cassidy Cage and I do not want anyone else or anything else on my mind but her.

The beige colored office of psychiatrist Dr. Jennifer Warren doesn’t exactly shout excitement and neither does the good doctor.  Most of her GDW clients have complained about how drab and boring she is.  Boring?  Maybe, but helpful?  Definitely.

Warren sits in a black desk chair with wheels.  She is wearing a navy blue pantsuit and heels.  Her long shoulder length blonde hair is nicely styled as is her manicured hands.  She has a pen and notepad in hand on which she is taking notes, about me no doubt.  I am dressed in a pair of black dress pants, a matching black top with a green blazer, and sophisticated patent leather flats.

“I am glad you came by, Marie…” she chuckles uncomfortably “…I’m sorry, that was too personal, Ms. Jones…”

I shake my head reassuringly. “Don’t worry about it.  You can call me Marie.”

“Thank you.” Warren sighs. “I know it’s not exactly professional of me but I just remember when your mother first started bringing you to wrestling events and now to see you here, a wrestler yourself, all grown up.  It’s amazing how time flies.”

“It is indeed.” I smile warmly, politely. “But what about you?  How have you been doing since GDW shut its doors?”

“Oh I have been doing ok, I guess.”

“Ok?” I look around at my surroundings in this nice office. “It looks to me like you’re doing better than ok, doctor!”

She grins, nodding her head. “Ok, maybe just a little better than ok…”

“Quit being so modest.  GDW lasted for eleven years whereas many other companies die out in two and still other companies start, go under, and then come back years later, and repeat that vicious cycle.  It’s all due to the insanity that they let pervade in their companies.”

I motion to Dr. Warren. “But you helped keep some of that insanity in check and I think that’s part of the reason why GDW lasted as long as it did, why it survived as long as it did while others fail so quickly.”

“Thanks, Marie.  That’s sweet.”

“I mean it.  I can’t help but look at some of the drama and insanity in IWC and realize that you wouldn’t have let shit like that happen.  The people perpetrating that carnage wouldn’t be hired.”

“I just did my job.”  She motions to me with a carefully manicured finger. “But what about you?  What brings you out here today?  I kind of doubt it was just to pay me a visit.”

I nod my head. “You’re right, I have other motives for my visit than just to say hi.  You heard that I had recently been kidnapped, right?”

The smile on her face grows into a serious, grim look; a stony, stoic expression as she psychiatrist nods her head.

“Yes, I heard all about it.  Is that why you stopped by?”

After a deep, long sigh I nod my head. “Yes.  Jessica suggested I see a psychiatrist just to make sure I’m ok and, to be honest, I agree with her.”

Dr. Warren pulls out a pen and notepad.  The blonde psychiatrist begins to quickly scribble some notes onto the paper and continues talking in perfect sync with her writing, without even looking up at me.

“What else can you tell me?”

“Honestly, I can’t think of anything you wouldn’t already know.” I shrug my shoulders. “I mean, everyone knows that it was my own blood that did it to me and everyone knows the history of the Jones-Williams war.”

“Yes, I remember it well.   Your sister hated you very much.”

“Right and everyone knew that she grew more and more mentally unstable as time went on.”

“In that case,” she puts down the pen and notepad and looks at me “what can you tell me that I don’t already know?”

A grin forms on my face. “I thought you’d never ask.”

I frown, sighing. “I know for a fact there are those who I used to trust, people who I considered friends, but those people knew that Kim had kidnapped me.  They knew Kim had taken over my life and they did nothing.”

Tears form in my eyes. “It was as if they were glad to see me gone.”

“May I ask who?”

“Abigail Lindsey.”

“I see…”

“I can’t help but ask myself, how much did her sister Brittany know?  How much did any of the Lohan family know about this?  What about Cassidy Cage, the woman who stood side by side with the fake me on New Age?  Did she know that was actually Kim?”

“I remember Abigail and Cassidy.  They went by Psychomachia at the time.  I have to ask, what would it matter if they did know?”

“With Abigail it matters because I trusted her and now that trust is gone.”

I frown. “When it comes to Cassidy…I have a match against her on New Age.  If she knew nothing, I just try to win, simple as that.  If she knew anything about this, then I’m going to hurt her.  Winning becomes irrelevant if she knew something about this.  I will try to maim her.”

“There’s something else, though, isn’t there?”



“I…” my voice trails off “…I suffered from a massive bout of amnesia during the kidnapping.”

“Oh well then.” She grins. “That changes everything.”

A Brand New Me
On Camera

“I want to begin by saying thank you.”

The camera rolls.  Immediately we see a beautiful young lady with shoulder length straight red hair dressed in a black leather mini skirt that extend to just above the knee and a long sleeve black sweater.  Her feet are encased in black leather pumps and she stares intensely at the camera.  This is “The Phoenix” Marie Annabelle Jones.

“No, I’m not going to thank my family and friends who supported and rescued me.  I already did that.  They know how I feel.  Instead I am going to surprise a lot of people by thanking Kimberly Williams.”

A laugh that sounds like she can’t even believe it herself escapes her lips as the young red head sighs, shaking her head.

“I know, it’s weird isn’t it?  Kimberly Williams kidnapped me and held me captive for months as she took over my life and damn near ruined my friendships.  What the hell do I have to thank her for?”

A grim look forms across her face. “I want to thank her for helping me to reveal the true colors of some people in this world.”

“My mom tried to teach me not to trust anyone.  She tried to instill in me that the people in this world are corrupt and selfish and self-centered and ultimately do not care about anyone else but themselves.  My mom tried to teach me that but my father, before he died that is, always told me that everyone had some good in them.  And I believed him.  I bought into his naiveté.  I truly believed that there was some good in everyone.”

Marie shuts her eyes tightly.  It appears as if she is in great pain, not physically but emotionally.

“I guess my dad really was stupid after all.  He was stupid for believing that everyone had some good in them.  He didn’t figure out how wrong he was until someone who once cared about him a great deal put a bullet through his head.”

“You may think that I figured it out the moment Kimberly kidnapped me.” The red haired woman shakes her head. “You’d be wrong.  I figured it out after I was rescued and I began to see what went on in my life while Kim had stepped into my shoes.”

“It wasn’t the ones who barely noticed anything that bothered me, but instead those who knew damn well that something was wrong and didn’t care and even worse those who knew exactly what Kimberly had done and didn’t lift a damn finger to help me.”

“Am I going to sit here and blame them?” Jones again shakes her head. “No, I’m not.  Why should I blame them for being the pieces of shit that they are?  I blame myself for being naïve and too trusting.”

The young red head balls up her right hand into a fist and pounds it into the palm of her left hand.

“That all ends now.  The naïve, trusting, good girl you may remember is dead.  She died in that basement.  I realize now that my mother was right about society.  You can’t trust them.  You can only trust your family and those closest to you.  Everyone else should be viewed as a potential enemy.  Allies are good to have but their loyalty should never be assumed because if given the chance any of them will stab you in the back without a second thought.”

“I also realize now that Andreas Lasiewicz was right when he warned me about getting too close to my father’s family.  Andreas, you were a step-father to me but you and your family have been better to me than any of those pieces of shit on my biological father’s family tree and if you or anyone else in your family ever needs anything at all, you name it, I’ll be glad to help.”

Jones nods her head. “Yes, this experience has clearly changed me.  It is a change for the better because never again will I let anyone fuck with me.  Never again will I let anyone get too close to do something like that again.  Never again will Marie Annabelle Jones be soft or weak.”

She points a finger into the camera. “And it all starts with you, Cassidy.”

“I just want to as you one question, Cage.  Just one little question.  I am dying to know if you were fooled along with most of the IWC roster or were you one of the select few little miss Kim let in on her little secret?  Think carefully how you want to answer that, Cage, because the answer to that question very well could determine your fate.”

“Let me make one thing abundantly clear; I am going to hurt you on New Age.  Never again will I go soft on anyone.  Never again will I pull my punches.  I am going to go out of my way to beat you up and beat you down on New Age.   I will put you through hell.”

“Yeah, it sounds cheesy, but it’s no more cheesy than that shit you said on twitter.  ‘After I maim Marie’…yeah, couldn’t you have been more inventive that, bitch?”

“Whether or not you knew about Kim is going to help me decide what my goal is exactly for you on New Age.  If you knew nothing, if you were fooled like everyone else, then I’m just going to try and win.  I am going to hurt you but my goal will be to win.  You’ll be spared.”

She frowns.  “But if you knew something about what Kim was up to, then that changes things.  At that point I really don’t give a damn about winning.  At that point they can just go ahead and disqualify me now for all I care, because I can tell you right off the bat that I am going to cave in your fucking skull.  I’m going to send you to the ER.”

“Oh but don’t worry, you won’t be alone in the hospital for very long.  There are those who knew about Kim who will join you in your fate soon enough.  One by damn one I’ll take them out.  Who knows?  You might end up being bed mates with your ex-friend?”

“I guess this is the part where I’m supposed to taunt you by asking if you’re surprised or if you’re intimidated…” Jones chuckles lightly “…but no, not you.  Some say you enjoy the violence, others say you’re just fucking stupid, but either way, you’re not going to be intimidated and I respect that.  I appreciate that.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.  I want the world to see what the new me, the newly focused and newly pissed off me can do and I don’t want to do it against a sniveling coward who can’t be bothered to show up.”

Jones smiles, waving into the camera. “Hi, Isis!”

“No, I would rather prove myself against a tough as hell bitch who can give me the kind of fight I want.  So bring everything you have, Cassidy.  And be prepared to bleed.”

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