Monday, September 25, 2017

Trouble in Paradise: Part 2

Scene 1
Off Camera

The sunlight streaming in through the window doesn’t immediately wake up Marie Annabelle Jones, who sleeps rather soundly in a double bed on the second floor of her mother’s Boston, Massachusetts estate.  Instead it is a combination of the warmth of the sun’s rays and a nice aroma from downstairs that penetrates the room and her nose that seems to cause Marie’s eyes to flutter open.  She sits up in bed and stretches out her arms wide.  A yawn escapes her mouth as she looks out the window at the brightness of the Boston skyline.  She realizes it must be late morning and she turns towards the clock on the nightstand for confirmation: ten o’clock.  Definitely later than Marie is used to.

Then again, sleeping late isn’t the only thing Marie isn’t used to; she also isn’t used to sleeping alone, but it is the status quo now that her husband, Arthur Pond, has left her.  He left her a month ago with an ultimatum…

She remembers it as if it were yesterday, even though it was a month ago…

~~~~~~FLASHBACK, August 31st, 2017; MORNING AFTER BREAKDOWN~~~~~~

“Author?” Marie asks inquisitively as she sets her gym bag down. “I thought you would’ve been asleep already.”

“I thought you would’ve been home a long time ago.” Author remarks coldly, stoically.

“Yeah, sorry for not calling, sweetheart, but I was in a real bad place after Breakdown.  You were watching, weren’t you?”

“Yeah, I watched.” Author remarks, nodding his head.

“I didn’t deserve that spot in the Adrenaline Championship Tournament but I got the opportunity anyway, then to squander it the way I did and lose to Tina Valentine, I felt as if I was right back in the bottom of the barrel.  But thankfully Kimberly, she…”

Marie is cut off when Author immediately stands up. The mere mentioning of Kimberly’s name seems to set him off.

“Kimberly!  Again?!” His voice is raised ever so slightly. “What did she do this time?!”

“Nothing.” Marie says, shaking her head. “In fact, she did me a world of good by talking me out of that dark place.  And she took me out afterwards to show me a good time, to lift my spirits.  That’s all.”

“That’s all?” Author asks skeptically.

“That’s all.”

“Yeah, right…” Author’s voice trails off as he shakes his head “…look, Marie, I know she’s your blood, she’s your sister, and because of that I’ve tried to remain supportive of you, but I have been silent for too damn long.”

Marie frowns. “What do you mean?”

“You made a great deal over nature versus nurture regarding your sister.  And who knows?  Maybe if she had been raised like a normal human being she wouldn’t be the way she is, but the fact is that she was raised in complete isolation for eighteen years by a sociopath.  I don’t care how much therapy she receives from the best psychiatric doctors in the world, nothing will fix her brain.”

“But she sought out treatment herself!” Marie exclaims, defending her sister. “She checked herself into a mental institution to get herself help!”

“It doesn’t matter.” Author remarks, shaking his head. “Deep down inside she is still a monster and you brought that monster into our household by agreeing to be her legal guardian.”

“So that’s what you’re pissed off about?!” Marie asks incredulously. “You’re angry that I want to help my family?  Damn it, Author, you should know by now that I care deeply about my family!”

“You say that, but am I not your family also?”

Marie blinks curiously. “What are you saying, Author?  What are you implying?!”

“What I’m saying is that this isn’t the first time you’ve pulled crap like this, Marie.  Again, just like with your sister I’ve remained silent, but I can’t keep silent any longer. You come back to the hotel at late hours, long after Breakdown has ended.  And I can’t have meaningful conversations about this or any other issue that concerns me because YOU are so damn focused on wrestling.”

“Wrestling is my life!” Marie snaps back with tears forming in her eyes. “It’s what I do!”

“That’s the problem, because you can’t have both me and wrestling as your life.”

Marie’s eyes grow wide with shock. “Are you suggesting…”

“I have played second fiddle to wrestling and to your crazy sister for too damn long.  The fans get The Phoenix, The Crown Jewel of Professional Wrestling, and they get her all of the time, but I just want my wife.  I want Marie Pond.  I would even like children of my own.  But do you think I’m going to get that while you’re competing?” He shakes his head. “Not a chance in hell, you wouldn’t want pregnancy to get in the way of your precious career.”

Author starts to walk past Marie.  She reaches out and grabs him by the arm. “Wait!  Where are you going?!”

“Leaving.” He responds stoically. “It is clear you’re married to wrestling, not me, so I’ll leave you two alone.”

He pulls away from her and again starts to walk away. “Author, wait! Don’t go!”

He stops and turns to face her one last time. “Look, I’m tired of this wrestling nonsense getting in the way of our marriage.  I want my wife.  And I’m genuinely fearful for my safety so long as your crazy sister is in our lives.  Are you prepared to be the wife I want and ditch Kimberly?”

“I…Author, I just…” Marie looks to her left, at the wall, a wall which separates their hotel room from Kimberly’s, then she looks back at Author “…I can’t.”

“Then goodbye.” He turns and starts to walk away. “Call me when you’re ready to be the wife I want.”

With that Author opens the door and steps out, slamming it shut behind him.  Marie drops to her knees and starts crying uncontrollably.

~~~~~~END FLASHBACK~~~~~~

The mere reminder of it is enough to bring further tears to Marie’s eyes, despite the fact that, by now, she has started to get used to being alone.  But there is a difference for Marie; a difference between being used to being alone and being lonely.  She is lonely and desires her husband and that part of her considers the very real possibility that she did make a mistake in focusing too much on Kimberly, in focusing too much on trying to help Kim at the expense of being a good wife to Arthur.  That part of her would do almost anything to get him back, including forfeiting her own wrestling career; another item that Arthur listed as part of his ultimatum.

A more realistic part of Marie’s mind tells her that forfeiting her career and family just for Arthur is wholly unacceptable.  That part of her mind tells her that Arthur is asking for too high a price for his love and that he is the one at fault, not Marie.

Marie is torn as far as what she should do but the other aspect of this whole issue that troubles her even more than that is the question of Kimberly.  Kimberly heard every bit of the argument that Marie and Arthur had.  Kimberly heard everything that Arthur had to say and while Kimberly doesn’t appear to be showing any signs of conflict or problems on her end, Marie still wonders what might be lying deep down in the psyche of her identical twin sister.  Kimberly Williams, a woman who was raised by a sociopath, is notorious for keeping her true emotions bottled up.  Marie knows this and is definitely concerned about her sister’s well-being, perhaps more-so than her own.

Jones throws the covers off of herself and then swings her legs over the side of the bed, planting her feet firmly on the floor.  Marie used to dress rather provocatively at night in skimpy lacey undergarments, but that was done specifically for her beloved Arthur.  With him out of the picture, at least temporarily, she feels no desire or need to look good.  She is wearing loose fitting shorts and an oversized red t-shirt.  Her long red hair hangs down to below her shoulders.

After a few moments of pause and reflection, Jones stands up out of the bed and then walks over towards the door.  She opens it and steps outside into the hall.  The stairway is to her left but instead she goes right and enters the very next door, another bedroom, where she finds her sister Kimberly, staring almost blankly ahead into a full length mirror.


Marie waits but there is no answer.

“Uh, Kimberly?”

“Huh, wha?”  Kimberly is startled as she turns around and finds Marie there.  Kimberly laughs lightly, though Marie notices that it is forced. “Oh, hi sis.  Did you forget to knock or something?”

“Like you ever believed in knocking.” Marie remarks with a wink.


“Anyway, I just wanted to check up on you.” Marie states. “How was your very first experience sleeping at the Jones estate?”

“It certainly is a nice place.” Kimberly answers. “I didn’t realize mom had enough cash to buy a place like this.”

“Well she didn’t buy it.  She inherited it.  It was actually our grandfather’s.  The federal government paid him damn good money to do what he did.”

“Oh yeah, Bart was a secret agent type wasn’t he?” Kimberly snickers. “Like a double o seven!”

“Yeah,” Marie laughs lightly at Kimberly’s humor; even if it noticeably forced, Kim can still make Marie smile and Marie needs to smile during times like this “something like that.”

“Well maybe I should thank the government then?” Kimberly says with a wink.  “Or maybe you should thank mom for the both of us?”

“You can thank her yourself.” Marie uses her thumb to point towards the door. “She’s downstairs and from that smell she’s made something for breakfast.”

“Yeah, that smell is what woke me up.” Kimberly smiles warmly before pausing, uneasily.  She stares ahead blankly at Marie, who begins to grow concerned.

“Uh, Kim?  Are you spacing out on me?”

“Huh?” Kim once again is startled back to reality.

“Are you ok, Kim?” Marie asks with genuine concern on her face.

“Yeah, I’m fine!” Kimberly says with a forced smile on her face. “Why don’t you go on downstairs and get some of that breakfast mom prepared?  I’ll be down later.  I want to freshen up first, y’know?”

Marie realizes that her twin sibling is lying through her teeth.  Kimberly never freshens up.  Kimberly, the woman who once wanted to go to Catholic Mass wearing a “Hail Satan” t-shirt never gives a damn about looking nice, or what anyone thinks about her appearance for that matter.   Her gut tells her to pressure Kimberly about what’s wrong.

“Is something wrong, Kim?”

“Nah!  Everything is great!” Kimberly shakes her head. “You go on downstairs!  I’ll be down in a bit!”

Marie still doesn’t believe Kim, despite the assurances. Though she knows Kim quite well and doesn’t think she’ll get any further information out of her right now.  Kimberly may use their father’s last name, but she still has Jones blood running through her veins, and that means she inherited that same stubborn streak all of the Jones women seemed to inherit.  Marie’s gut still tells her to pressure Kimberly, but this time Marie decides against it.

“Ok, I’ll see you downstairs…”  Marie turns and starts to walk towards the door, stopping when Kimberly calls out to her.

“Hey, Marie…”


“…I love you.”

That’s odd.  But Marie thinks nothing of it.  She just smiles back at her. “Love you too, Kim.”

Marie exits the bedroom and turns left, walking down the hall and she heads downstairs.  The aroma she smelled earlier, the sweet odor that woke both her and Kimberly up, grows stronger and stronger as she nears the bottom of the staircase.  Once she reaches downstairs she heads down another hall towards a light.  Once she reaches that light she enters in through a door and finds her mother, the matriarch of the Jones family, Angelica Jones, sitting at the head of a long table in the kitchen, eating some scrambled eggs.

“Took you long enough, sleepy head.” Angelica says cheerfully. “I thought you were an early bird like me?”

“I was…” Marie’s voice trails off and she sighs “…Arthur gave me something to wake up to.”

“Oh…” Angelica sighs as she gets up out of her chair and walks over towards her daughter “…I’m sorry, Marie.  I truly am.”

“It’s ok,” Marie says through a forced grin with tear filled eyes after the embrace is broken “I guess I should expect it, huh?”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s our family curse, you know?  You’ve been married, what, four times now?  Aunt Kayla has been in two failed relationships before this latest marriage to Trenton Snow.  Arthur was my second real relationship and first marriage.  I had high hopes.  I thought what we had was real.  And maybe it was…”

She sighs and shakes her head “…but I screwed it up.”

“No!” Angelica says forcefully. “You did NOT screw anything up!”

“But Arthur said…”

“What Arthur asked of you was entirely too damn much!” Angelica exclaims, the rage of a mother boiling over. “He asked you to give up your career and your family for him?  That just isn’t right.”

“You don’t get it, mom.  It’s not about the wrestling or even Kimberly.  He believes I didn’t devote enough time to him, that he was secondary or even third in importance in my life when he, as my husband, should be closer to the top of the list.  And as much as you hate to admit it, as much as I hate to admit it, he brings up a good point.”

“Good point or not,” Angelica begins with her counter “he cannot ask you to abandon Kimberly when she needs you the most, and he cannot ask you to give up your wrestling career entirely.  You have a SCW Television Championship match coming up, correct?”

Marie nods her head.  It was just one month ago that Marie felt undeserving and unworthy of any opportunities SCW offered her, after she lost at Rise To Greatness in a United States Championship match and then she had squandered a shot at the Adrenaline Championship on Breakdown.  But Marie has since rebounded and SCW has granted her a shot at the SCW Television Championship currently held by Ravyn Taylor.

The Crown Jewel of Professional Wrestling still doesn’t believe she is worthy of this great opportunity, but she also will not dwell on that the way she dwelled so much on the Adrenaline Championship tournament.  Whether she deserves it or not, the opportunity is there and Marie is going to give it her best shot.  Win, lose, or draw, this is a great chance for Marie to show what she’s made of against another SCW legend in the form of Ravyn Taylor.  And Marie plans to make the most of her opportunity.

“Yeah, I face Ravyn for the SCW Television Title.” Marie answers. “I’m not sure I deserve it, but you know, I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. The opportunity is there and I plan to make the most of it.”

“Exactly.” Angelica smiles proudly. “That’s how I raised you.  Do the very best you can and do not worry about Arthur.  He cannot ask you to give up this opportunity.”

“Mom, I…” Marie’s voice again fails her; she shakes her head “…can we just not talk about Arthur?”

“Of course.” Angelica nods her head. “I’m sorry for even bringing him up, it’s just that what he did and said, it makes me so mad…”

Angelica pulls up a chair and motions for Marie to sit down. “Sit.  I’m going to get you a plate of eggs.  Do you want pancakes, too?”

“Please.” Marie says with a half-smile.

Angelica nods her head as she walks off to fill Marie’s order.  Usually Marie would not like being coddled and mothered in such a way; but in times like this, with Arthur having left her, it feels good to have someone treat her like this; to treat her like a princess.  So she accepts the pampering and coddling as if she earned it.

Her mother returns to the kitchen with a plate of eggs and a stack of two pancakes.  She sets the plate down in front of Marie but before she can dig in a prominent, loud thud is heard.  Both mother daughter exchange worried glances.

“Marie, where did that noise come from?”

“Sounded like it came from upstairs.”

“That’s what I thought.” Angelica says, nodding her head in agreement. “You may want to go check on your sister.”

Marie nods and without a word uttered she exits the kitchen and heads back down the hall towards the staircase.  She quickly heads up the stairs and once she gets upstairs she heads down the second floor hall towards Kimberly’s bedroom; or at least it is the room Kimberly is using as a bedroom while the two are staying with their mother.  Marie opens the door and looks inside.

“Kim?” At first glance inside she sees no one. “Kimberly?”

Marie hears a small groan.  It is barely audible but definitely there and she believes it is coming from the bathroom.  Marie walks the bathroom door and pushes it open.  She steps inside and immediately shrieks with terror as she finds her sister lying face first on the floor, pill bottles litter the floor.  Marie drops to her knees and tears flow down her cheek uncontrollably.

“Kim!  Oh God, no!  No!  KIM!  Why did you do this?!”

Jones stands back up and rushes out the door.  Once out of the bedroom she shouts as loud as she can…


Scene 2
Off Camera

Suicide is when one decides to take his or her own life.  For whatever reason, whatever the difficulty may be, whatever the challenge may be, that individual feels that he or she cannot handle it any longer and decides to end his or her life.  What many do not realize is that suicide impacts not just the one individual ending their life but all of those close to them.  The consequences of suicide are not just that one person is dead; it is also a tragedy for those left behind.  A person’s pain is very real and understandable but it is never the answer.

The Jones family knows this all too well; suicide has been the one dark plague upon their otherwise illustrious, damn near perfect family.  It all centers around the matriarch, Angelica Jones.  In the aftermath of watching her mother get brutally raped and killed, Angelica attempted suicide.  Then she attempted suicide again after giving up her firstborn child, Marie Annabelle Jones, only to have her then boyfriend and father of the child Sean Williams dump her.  Both times Angelica’s suicide attempts were failures, obviously but the fact that there is a history of them in the family is enough to raise some red flags, especially for the children.

Marie certainly had enough problems and troubles in her life that could’ve led her down that path.  She, herself, was raped, much like her grandmother whom she never got to meet.  But she managed to stay strong through it all and cope with all of the pain and heartache.  Jessica Jones, Marie’s half-sister, has always had both parents and thus has always had a rather stable relationship and life, despite her occasional identity crisis.  The youngest of the Jones children, Kelly, is still too young to see how the Jones curse will affect her.

Then there’s Kimberly.  No one even gave pause to consider how the ramifications of the Jones past might affect Marie’s identical twin sister, primarily because, at least based upon outward appearances, nothing ever seemed to bother Kimberly.  She shrugged everything else off like it was nothing.

That was before the therapy; that was before the psychiatrist broke through Kimberly’s mental blocks and helped her become, according to Kimberly’s own words, “a normal person.”  No one stopped to think if Kimberly might be affected by these emotions now, emotions that she once kept bottled up for so long.

Marie blames herself, and that is becoming quite apparent as she paces the floor of the waiting room of a hospital emergency area late at night as she and Angelica await an answer regarding the fate of Kimberly Williams.

“I shouldn’t have left her up there by herself…”

“You had no way of knowing what was going to happen.”

“I knew it was going to happen!” Marie exclaims. “My gut told me that something was wrong!  My instincts told me to stay with her and keep talking to her, but I didn’t listen…”

Her voice trails off; she shakes her head “…I just didn’t listen.  I thought she was just being stubborn, like me…like all of us Jones girls…”

“That’s right, just like us Jones girls.” Angelica remarks quickly. “And just like us Jones girls she is tough and she is tough enough to pull through and survive this.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Marie shakes her head. “Even if she does pull through, it is still my fault because I didn’t pay enough attention.  I let it happen.  The psychiatrist said she was MY responsibility.  Well, mine and…”

Again her voice trails off as tears form in her eyes “…mine and Author’s.”

“You seem to have the same problems me and Kayla have had for quite awhile.” Angelica chuckles as she stands up and steps in front of her daughter, who just tilts her head to one side, studying her curiously.

“What do you mean, mom?”

“Anytime something bad happened to Kayla, I would blame myself, and I was very emotional and public with it.  Kayla was more like Kimberly, she was good at bottling things up and keeping these things hidden, but when something bad happened to me, Kayla would blame herself, even though she may not advertise it like I did.”

“What are you suggesting, mom?”

“I’m just saying that you shouldn’t blame yourself.” Angelica remarks. “God knows you have enough stress on your shoulders as it is.”

“It’s difficult,” Marie says while shaking her head “I mean, how can you be this calm when Kim is in there and we don’t even know her condition?”

“I’m a damn good actress, Marie.” Angelica says with a smirk. “Inside, I’m probably more broken up than you.  I’m just hiding it right now.  You don’t need to see me going crazy but…really…I am going crazy. That’s my daughter in there, after all, and she is fighting for her life.”

Mother and daughter share a tight embrace.  Shortly thereafter a doctor emerges from the doors.  He clears his throat to get their attention.  Angelica and Marie break the embrace and turn to face him.

“Well it appears that you got her to us just in time.” He says grimly. “Had she arrived any later, we wouldn’t have been able to save her…”

Marie gasps as Angelica holds onto her hand tightly “…but she’ll pull through.  In fact, she is awake and able to converse.”

“Will she be able to come home with us today?”

The doctor shakes his head. “Not tonight, I would like to keep her hear overnight for observation.  But you may go in and speak with her if you like.”

Marie and Angelica both nod their heads in unison.  The doctor then leads the two redheaded Boston natives, mother and daughter, back through the double doors he had just emerged from.  He leads them down a long hall until he comes to a door.  He steps through the door, with Angelica and Marie following closely behind.  There, lying on a hospital bed, Marie and Angelica spot Kimberly. She is wide awake and has a half-smile on her face.

“I’ll leave you three alone.” The doctor responds as he turns and exits the room.

“Hi, mom…hi Marie…” Kimberly says with a light chuckle in her voice “…I guess I still am a bit of a troublemaker, huh?”

“We’re just glad you’re ok, Kim.” Angelica responds.

“Marie,” Kim states, looking over at Marie “I’m sorry…”

“No, Kim.” Marie says as she walks over to Kim’s bedside and takes her by her hand. “You have nothing to apologize for.”

“Sure I do.” Kim remarks. “I’m sorry that I didn’t succeed…that my suicide attempt was a miserable failure…but then again, like mother like daughter right?  Mom couldn’t get the job done, neither can I!”

Angelica can be seen rolling her eyes at Kimberly’s rather macabre joke.  Marie is just stunned to hear these words from her sister’s mouth and immediately begins to shake her head vehemently.

“No, Kim!  Do not even think like that!”

“Why not?” Kim asks. “I’ve been nothing but a pain in the ass since I returned to your life.  I’ve nearly got you arrested, Mr. D over in the S-C-Dubya probably wants to fire you just to get rid of me, and your marriage is now in shambles all because of me.”

Kimberly chuckles. “Hell, you’d still have Author if I hadn’t returned.  That’s why I tried to kill myself.  With me dead at least Author would come back because I’d be dead.”

“Shut your trap right now!” Marie snaps at her, somewhat angrily. This startles Kimberly and she nods her head slowly. “Look, Kim, I’ve thought long and hard about this ever since Author left me and I thought about his words, his ultimatum, and you know what I think?”


“To hell with that asshole and his ultimatums!”

“But I thought…I thought you loved him?”

“I do love him, but you are family, you are my sister, which makes you my baggage, just like I am YOUR baggage.  Anyone who wants to be a part of my life has to accept the baggage that comes with me, just like anyone who comes in your life should have to accept the baggage that comes with you, Kim.  It’s part of being a family.  And you ARE part of this family.  You are MY baggage and if he is unwilling to accept you as part of the package, then he just isn’t for me.”

“But Marie…” Kimberly sighs “…wouldn’t your life be so much better without me to screw it up?”

“Kim, my life would be boring without you.” Marie grins as tears form in her eyes. “You are a very big reason why I can still smile.  Had you succeeded, you would’ve taken that smile away.”

Marie squeezes her hand tightly. “Promise me you will never try anything like that again!”

“You really do love me, don’t you?” Kim asks, tears forming in her eyes.

“Yes, Kim…of course I do…I’d do anything for you .”

“Then yeah,” Kimberly nods her head “I promise.”

On Camera

It's been a couple of weeks since Apocalypse, the night I picked up a win over three very game, amazingly talented athletes, one of which being Brittany Lohan, a woman I respect deeply.  This break, this period of rest since that win has given me time to pause for reflection.  It gave me time to think about where I am right now and where I ultimately want to be.

Before I tell you where I want to be, let me tell you where I do not want to be; I do not want to be stuck living in the past.  Yes, I've had quite the roller coaster ride here in SCW that brought me here to this point.  And yes, I have made my fair share of mistakes, but even those mistakes contributed to forming me and shaping me into the woman I am today and, if I could go back, I would not change a damn thing.

In short, I am proud of who and what I am.  I am proud of where I came from. I am proud to be The Crown Jewel of Professional Wrestling and Apocalypse does not mark a continuation of the past, but the beginning of a new era as I look forward to the future, towards my future.

I have plans, ladies and gentlemen, big plans. This new season that started at Rise To Greatness and continued into Apocalypse will eventually come to be known as The Era of the Phoenix.

It will all begin with you, Ravyn.

From one “bird” to another, I wish you luck. As a student of the game who has done her homework on you, let me say that I respect you and look forward to being tested like I have never been tested before.

But also understand that I do intend to make this The Era of the Phoenix, and that means I have to go through you.  That means I have to clip your wings.

I hope you don't mind the pun. I'm sure you've heard them all from people like Kelcey Wallace, Sienna Swann, and others you've feuded with in the past. Many of whom may not even be here any longer.

So what makes what I say any different?

I’m not going to stand here and say that I have any more heart and drive or will to win than someone like a Kelcey Wallace who has done everything there is to do here in Supreme Championship Wrestling.  I’m not going to stand here and claim that I have more determination someone like Sienna Swann who is a future SCW World Champion.

Hell, I can’t even speak for my own aunt, a two time SCW World Tag Team Champion Kayla Jones, who once challenged you for the United States Championship during your historic run with that belt.  And that’s my own family you beat.

No, I cannot speak for any of them or anyone else who has come before me and tried to put a stop to you.  I can only speak for myself.  I can only speak about what I bring to the table in this Television Championship match and why I believe that I am the person to take this Television Championship away from you, the person who will take the Television Championship away from you on Breakdown.

Maybe you’re going to underestimate me?  I’m just a second generation superstar.  Everyone in SCW knows my mother but me?  Who cares about me, right?  I can understand you looking past me.  That may be what does you in, because if you look past me, I will take you out.  Just ask some of the biggest names in this business who underestimated me and ended up getting beat by me because they looked past me.

Vanilla Skyy.

Regan Street.

I could go on and on and on.  I beat the best of the best in my time.  I’m no one to look past.  But surely someone as intelligent as you would know that.  And you are known for your intelligence, Ravyn.  So surely you won’t look past me?  Surely you won’t underestimate me.

So maybe it’s something else?  Maybe, just maybe, the stars will be aligned and the great Ravyn will get taken down by the Phoenix.  After all, on any one night anybody can be beaten.  You’ve been on a roll, I’ll give you credit.  You do some strange things at times, and people may love you or hate you accordingly, but there’s no denying how good you are.  So maybe the planetary alignment is right, maybe the stars in the sky are reading a good prophecy for yours truly, and maybe on this one night, The Phoenix will get one over on The Ravyn?

No, I don’t believe in planetary alignment or crap like that.  And I’ve already established you’re too smart to underestimate me. So what is it, then?  What is going to get me over the hump?  What one advantage do I have that will edge me the SCW Television Championship?

Simple; it’s my never say die attitude.

There’s a reason I call myself The Phoenix and that’s because, like the mythical bird itself, even if you do manage to kill me, I’ll still just get right back up and be a pain in your pretty little ass.  You can knock me down as many times as you want and I’ll get right back up.  You can kill me as many times as you want and I’ll get right back up like the Walking freaking Dead!

I will keep coming at you, Ravyn!  And I won’t even sugarcoat it with cutesy little Sun Tzu quotes the way Sophie O’Brian seems to do all the time.  I’ll tell it to you straight; on Breakdown, I am going to punch you in your mouth and take the SCW Television Championship!

Quote THE PHOENIX…The Crown Jewel of Professional Wrestling…

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Trouble In Paradise

August 30th, 2017
On Camera

Tina gets to the top rope and Marie slowly turns and gets up. Tina dives off going for a knee strike, but Marie moves out of the way. Tina lands on her feet and Marie jumps up and hits a neckbreaker. She turns and hooks the leg.



Tina kicks out. She turns and starts to get up and Marie grabs her and hits a European uppercut and then another one. She whips Tina into the corner. Tina hits hard and Marie runs after and grabs her and then goes for a roll-up. She gets Tina over, but Tina pushes back and rolls through further.




The crowd roars as Marie kicks out just after three and looks up stunned. Tina falls back to the ropes. The bell sounds.

“Here is your winner, via pinfall, Tina Valentine!’

Marie looks around stunned as Tina has her arm raised.  Marie sighs and shakes her head with a sense of disappointment as she realizes that this may be her last chance to get back into championship contention.  She could have delivered decisively in this Adrenaline Championship tournament but she failed to give it her best and she lost to Tina Valentine.  Now she’s out of luck and possibly out of opportunities.

Jones rolls out of the ring and turns to head back up the ramp, walking away from the ring to leave Tina to celebrate by herself.

Some fans want to speak with her, to get a handshake or a high five.  At this point many wrestlers would not want anything to do with the public; not so with Marie.  The beautiful Boston native doesn’t ignore the fans.  They are the reason she is able to do this job that she loves so much.  She stops along the way up the ramp to slap a few hands and thank a few of them for their support…for what it’s worth…

August 30th, 2017
Off Camera

Marie finally steps back through the curtain and walks through the ready area that leads to the backstage area as she walks the hall, searching for her dressing room.  She needs to be alone right now and think about where she goes from here…

…it is a difficult question to consider.  Marie had two opportunities to regain the SCW United States Championship since losing it to Jinn in Puerto Rico on Supreme Saturday.  Now tonight, despite failing twice to regain the United States Championship, she was chosen to be a part of this tournament to crown a new SCW Adrenaline Champion but once again she failed to deliver on her opportunity.

Not to take away from Tina Valentine.  She is a great competitor and even if Marie had been at the top of her game, Tina may still have won, but Marie realizes she was not at her best.  She was not competing as good as she could have.  She only put on a half-assed performance and she got the result she deserved…

….a big fat loss.

Jones figures that it’ll be a long time before she gets another opportunity like the one she had tonight.  Oh well.  No use worrying about that right now.  That’s a concern for another day.  She finally spots her dressing room up ahead.  Time to get changed out of her wrestling gear and leave.  There’s no need for her stick around anyway…

…but then her entire world goes black.

“Guess who!”

Someone just blinded her by covering up her eyes.  Even if it wasn’t for the voice that she clearly recognizes, it wouldn’t be difficult to figure out that this individual who is playing games with her tonight is none other than…

“Kimberly!” Marie snaps back angrily. “Get your hands off me!”

“Only if you ask nicely!”

“Fine,” Marie sighs “PLEASE get your damn hands off me!”

Kimberly snickers as she removes her hands.  Marie turns around to face her identical twin sister Kimberly Williams.  It is almost like looking into a mirror, except for the fact that Kimberly is NOT in wrestling gear.  Instead she is wearing torn jeans, flip flops, and a t-shirt which reads ‘I Groped Mr. D’.

“See?” Kimberly begins. “It wasn’t that hard to ask nicely.”

“Kimberly, I…” Marie pauses as she gets a look at her sister’s shirt “…where in the name of sanity did you get that shirt?”

“Trade secret.” Kimberly places a finger over her mouth as if to hush Marie. “But I am going to share.  I have one for you AND for my bestie Imogen.”

“Not a good idea, sis.” Marie says, shaking her head.

“What do you mean?” Kimberly asks incredulously. “These bad boys will sell like hot cakes!”

“Look, Kim, just listen,” Marie says, clearly exasperated “I know you and Imogen are friends and all, but I think that you…well, both of you are bad influences on the other.”

“Yeah, aint it great?” Kimberly smirks. “Tonight I let Imo’s pet Iguana sample some beer.”

Marie frowns. “You’re kidding, right?”

“Maybe I am…maybe I’m not…”

“You’d better be kidding, Kim.” Marie retorts, sighing and shaking her head.  “Look, you may not ‘work’ here officially, but you are my twin sister and what you do reflects upon me…”

She points at the shirt “…and you wearing THAT will not endear yourself to my boss, so please take it off.”

“Sure,” Kimberly shrugs her shoulders “whatever you say.”

She starts to take the shirt off and a devilish grin spreads across her face. “But I warn you, I don’t have a bra on underneath…”

“WHAT?!” Marie quickly reaches over and stops Kim from taking the shirt off. “NO!”

“Huh?” Kimberly says snickering. “But I thought you said to take it off?”

“Going around topless is worse than wearing THAT…” Marie sighs with frustration.

“You really are indecisive today.” Kimberly says mockingly. “Maybe if you were more decisive you would’ve beaten old hood rat Tina today?”

“Not that, Kim. Not now.” Marie rolls her eyes.  She points to the dressing room. “Let’s just go.  I need to get changed out of this and leave.  I’m tired, exhausted, and I just want to go to the hotel.”

Kimberly again shrugs her shoulders as she watches her sister storm past her towards the dressing room.  Kimberly follows suit.  The sibling pair enters the dressing room and shut the door behind them.  Kimberly watches Marie lift up her gym bag and empty its contents onto the floor.  A maxi skirt, a pair of simple sandals, and a simple white blouse fall out onto the floor.  Kimberly watches as Marie pulls up a chair next to the pile of clothing and she sits down in the chair.  Marie then slumps over and buries her face in her hands.  Kim can sense something is off with her sister.  She approaches cautiously and places a gentle, comforting hand on her back.

“What’s wrong, Marie?”

“You wouldn’t understand.”

“Try me, babe.” Kim answers back.  Marie sighs and looks up at Kimberly with tears forming in her eyes.

“I busted my ass to try to win back the SCW United States Championship, Kim, only for my one on one rematch to end in a double count out?” Marie shakes her head. “That was bullshit.  Then I failed yet again at Rise To Greatness.  I shouldn’t have had this opportunity here tonight to become Adrenaline Champion but I was given the chance anyway and what did I do?”

Marie shakes her head. “I put forward a half-assed performance and got my ass beat.  How many more opportunities do you think I’ll have now?  I fucked up, Kim.  Now I have to pay the consequences.”

Kimberly ponders this for a moment before nodding her head. “That may be true, you do have to pay the consequences for your actions, but I do think you’re looking at this entirely wrong.”

“What do you mean?”

“I remember someone once said…and I’m paraphrasing here…that as great as it is to hold a championship, ultimately that isn’t what this business boils down to.  It’s about putting on a hell of a show for the great idiots…”

“Fans…” Marie says, correcting Kim with a nasty scowl.

“Right, idiots…fans…whatever.” Kimberly smirks. “First and foremost, this is about putting on a hell of a show for the fans.  Championships are great but are secondary.  You know who told me that?”

Kimberly taps Marie on her nose. “You did, sweetie.”

“Kimberly, you…” Marie’s voice trails off as she shakes her head and wipes some of the tears from her face “…you’re right, I know.  But it’s so hard to accept.”

“I get it, babe.  I really do.” Kimberly says, nodding her head. “But just think about how tonight, even if though you lost, you got to perform for your fans.  Even though you lost at Rise To Greatness, you got to perform on the big stage and you put on a hell of a performance even in defeat.  Those idiots…”

“Fans…” Marie says, again correcting Kimberly.

“Right, fans; they appreciate you, babe.  Win or lose, they appreciate you.  That’s gotta count for something, right?”

“You know what, Kim?” Marie stands up. “You are absolutely right.  It does count for a great deal.  My fans have followed me throughout my career, through the ups and the downs, when I’ve had my highest of highs and the lowest of lows.  Never once did they falter or leave me.  And that does mean a lot.”

Marie leans in and embraces Kimberly in a tight hug. “Thanks, Kim.  I needed that.”

“Don’t mention it.” Kim says, grinning from ear to ear. “Seriously, don’t mention it.  I don’t want people to think I’m a softie or any shit like that.”

“Don’t worry,” Marie says chuckling “your secret is safe with me.”

“Now I know you’re feeling kinda icky right now, and I know  you said you wanted to go back to the hotel, but why not let yours truly take you out for some late night fun to pick your spirits up?”

“Uh, I don’t know,” Marie says hesitantly “I mean, Author is expecting me…”

“Oh come on, babe,” Kim insists “your boy toy will be there when you get back.”

Kim grins knowingly. “I think we both could use some sisterly bonding.”

“I, uh,” Marie thinks about her sister’s offer for a little longer before finally nodding her head “alright, yeah, I probably could use some downtime to just relax.”

“Exactly!” Kimberly declares victoriously. “There will plenty of time to prepare for whatever SCW has planned for you next; you need this right now.”

Early Morning The Next Day
Off Camera

It’s two o’clock in the morning and this hotel in Charlotte, North Carolina is quiet and lifeless, due to the fact that everyone spending time here are already asleep in their rooms.  The lobby of this hotel is quite exquisite.  The floor was tiled in fine marble, which made every step echo. A chandelier made rainbow colors dance across the luxurious lobby. Embroidered silk sofas surrounded a large, flat-screen television. The twin doors that led into the lobby were a pristine white with golden handles. The desk was made of amber-colored wood and a green granite top. Exquisite paintings hung from the rich, red walls. Even the door hinges were engraved with swirls and elegant designs. Music played in the background, even though the only person around to hear it is the attendant at the desk.  The music is soft, the colors gentle to the eye and the large dining room, while it may be empty, is ready for the morning breakfast.

The silence of this early morning is broken when the two giggling siblings Marie Jones and Kimberly Williams come walking into the hotel lobby…

“I am so glad you talked me into going out, sis!” Marie exclaims happily, carrying her gym bag which no doubt contains her wrestling gear. “This was awesome!”

“Told you it would be.” Kimberly winks. “I know how to have a good time.”

“I have to admit, I was nervous about what you had in mind.” Marie admits with a sigh of relief.

“Did you think we were going to go to some seedy dive, get into a brawl, get arrested, spend the night in jail, some shit like that?”

“In a word…” Marie’s voice trails off as a grin forms on her face “…yes!”

Kim snickers. “Yeah, that was the old Kim.  And hell, if it were just me, I might still do some of that.  But I’m trying to be a better person and I am definitely not going to get you into any trouble.”

“Trying to be a better person?” Marie places a hand on her sister’s shoulder. “You ARE a better person.  You really helped me back there at the arena after Breakdown.  And tonight you really showed me a great time and picked up my spirits.”

“I guess we can have a good time in slightly higher-class establishments than where I typically go.” Kimberly responds with a grin.

Marie Jones and her twin sister turn and head away and over towards the elevators.  As soon as they get to the elevator doors Marie presses the button calling for the elevator and the door opens.  Marie and Kimberly enter the elevator and then Marie presses the button for the elevator to go up.  The door closes and the elevator begins to rise.  Kim and Marie are giggling the entire way as the elevator rises up.  As soon as it reaches the second floor it comes to a slow stop.  The doors open and the sisters exit the elevator.  They turn and begin to head down the hall.

“Do you even know your next match, sis?”

“No,” Marie says, shaking her head “I’m trying not to think about it, to be honest.  Apocalypse is next, a pay per view, and my recent string of disappointing performances may end up leaving me off the card.”

“Maybe, maybe not, but remember what I said,” Kimberly says with a warm smile “it isn’t about any of that shit.  It’s about your idiot fans.”

“Fans, Kim.” Marie says scoldingly. “Just fans, not idiots.”

“Whatever you say, babe.”

They come to two hotel room doors, side by side, and they stop.  Presumably this must be their respective rooms.  Kim motions to hers.

“I guess I’ll be going inside…” a knowing grin forms across her face “…unless you want to switch for the night?”

“Not a chance, Kim.” Marie says, shaking her head. “You are NOT getting anywhere near my husband.”

“Darn, well it was worth a try.”

Marie leans in and embraces her twin sister one more time. “Thanks again, Kim.  I mean it.  You helped out a great deal.”


With that, Kimberly places her keycard into the slot of her door, it unlocks, and she enters her room, shutting the door behind her.  Seeing Kim gone, Marie then takes her keycard and does the same, entering it into the door slot and then once she hears it unlock she pushes the door open.  She steps inside and is surprised to find the lights on.  As late as it is she expected Author to be asleep already but she finds him sitting up in the chair by the window.  He is dressed in denim jeans and a plain black shirt.

“Author?” Marie asks inquisitively as she sets her gym bag down. “I thought you would’ve been asleep already.”

“I thought you would’ve been home a long time ago.” Author remarks coldly, stoically.

“Yeah, sorry for not calling, sweetheart, but I was in a real bad place after Breakdown.  You were watching, weren’t you?”

“Yeah, I watched.” Author remarks, nodding his head.

“I didn’t deserve that spot in the Adrenaline Championship Tournament but I got the opportunity anyway, then to squander it the way I did and lose to Tina Valentine, I felt as if I was right back in the bottom of the barrel.  But thankfully Kimberly, she…”

Marie is cut off when Author immediately stands up. The mere mentioning of Kimberly’s name seems to set him off.

“Kimberly!  Again?!” His voice is raised ever so slightly. “What did she do this time?!”

“Nothing.” Marie says, shaking her head. “In fact, she did me a world of good by talking me out of that dark place.  And she took me out afterwards to show me a good time, to lift my spirits.  That’s all.”

“That’s all?” Author asks skeptically.

“That’s all.”

“Yeah, right…” Author’s voice trails off as he shakes his head “…look, Marie, I know she’s your blood, she’s your sister, and because of that I’ve tried to remain supportive of you, but I have been silent for too damn long.”

Marie frowns. “What do you mean?”

“You made a great deal over nature versus nurture regarding your sister.  And who knows?  Maybe if she had been raised like a normal human being she wouldn’t be the way she is, but the fact is that she was raised in complete isolation for eighteen years by a sociopath.  I don’t care how much therapy she receives from the best psychiatric doctors in the world, nothing will fix her brain.”

“But she sought out treatment herself!” Marie exclaims, defending her sister. “She checked herself into a mental institution to get herself help!”

“It doesn’t matter.” Author remarks, shaking his head. “Deep down inside she is still a monster and you brought that monster into our household by agreeing to be her legal guardian.”

“So that’s what you’re pissed off about?!” Marie asks incredulously. “You’re angry that I want to help my family?  Damn it, Author, you should know by now that I care deeply about my family!”

“You say that, but am I not your family also?”

Marie blinks curiously. “What are you saying, Author?  What are you implying?!”

“What I’m saying is that this isn’t the first time you’ve pulled crap like this, Marie.  Again, just like with your sister I’ve remained silent, but I can’t keep silent any longer. You come back to the hotel at late hours, long after Breakdown has ended.  And I can’t have meaningful conversations about this or any other issue that concerns me because YOU are so damn focused on wrestling.”

“Wrestling is my life!” Marie snaps back with tears forming in her eyes. “It’s what I do!”

“That’s the problem, because you can’t have both me and wrestling as your life.”

Marie’s eyes grow wide with shock. “Are you suggesting…”

“I have played second fiddle to wrestling and to your crazy sister for too damn long.  The fans get The Phoenix, The Crown Jewel of Professional Wrestling, and they get her all of the time, but I just want my wife.  I want Marie Pond.  I would even like children of my own.  But do you think I’m going to get that while you’re competing?” He shakes his head. “Not a chance in hell, you wouldn’t want pregnancy to get in the way of your precious career.”

Author starts to walk past Marie.  She reaches out and grabs him by the arm. “Wait!  Where are you going?!”

“Leaving.” He responds stoically. “It is clear you’re married to wrestling, not me, so I’ll leave you two alone.”

He pulls away from her and again starts to walk away. “Author, wait! Don’t go!”

He stops and turns to face her one last time. “Look, I’m tired of this wrestling nonsense getting in the way of our marriage.  I want my wife.  And I’m genuinely fearful for my safety so long as your crazy sister is in our lives.  Are you prepared to be the wife I want and ditch Kimberly?”

“I…Author, I just…” Marie looks to her left, at the wall, a wall which separates their hotel room from Kimberly’s, then she looks back at Author “…I can’t.”

“Then goodbye.” He turns and starts to walk away. “Call me when you’re ready to be the wife I want.”

With that Author opens the door and steps out, slamming it shut behind him.  Marie drops to her knees and starts crying uncontrollably.  Her crying is so loud she doesn’t even notice the door that connects her room to Kimberly’s opening.  Kimberly enters the room and kneels down next to her twin sister.   Marie looks up with some surprise seeing her sister there.

“Kim, where…” she looks over at the open door and then back at Kim “…how much of that did you hear?”

“You guys were pretty loud.” Kimberly remarks. “I heard all of it.”

Kimberly and Marie embrace in a tight sisterly hug as they try to comfort one another, even Kimberly needs comforting, as tears roll down her cheek. “Yeah, I heard all of it.”

On Camera

It hasn’t been too long since I lost to Tina Valentine in the opening round of the SCW Adrenaline Championship Tournament, but I have still had plenty of time to reminisce, to think about what has been going on lately with The Phoenix.

Ever since Puerto Rico, ever since I lost the United States Championship, I have been granted many opportunities.  I have been granted two opportunities to regain the SCW United States Championship, one that ended in a double count out and another that ended up in my elimination from the four way match at Rise To Greatness.

And you know, I’m woman enough to admit when I’m beat and give credit where credit is due.  Take as many victory laps as you want, Regan, congratulations.  You earned it.

But then boy was I surprised when I learned that I would be a part of the Adrenaline Championship Tournament.  And you know, a great deal was made about opportunities being granted to undeserving people, and you know, maybe I didn’t deserve it, but I never asked for the opportunity.  I was told I would be competing against Tina Valentine and that’s what I did.  I went to Breakdown in Charlotte, North Carolina and I competed.

And I failed again.  Another opportunity that slipped through my fingers.

I could have moped in self-pity over another opportunity squandered, but as someone close to me reminded me, there is more to this great business than just decorating yourself with shiny gold belts.  This is about the great fans of SCW who pay good money to see wrestlers like me put on a hell of a show, and my fans in particular have been devoted to me for quite some time, standing by my side through the good times and the bad and those fans deserve the best from The Crown Jewel of Professional Wrestling.

This business is also about the spirit of competition.  I am a competitor and that has not changed.  Just as I said earlier, I was told I’d face Tina Valentine so I went and performed.  Now I’m told I’m competing against Brittany Lohan, Torsten Voigt, and Autumn Valentine in a triple threat match at the Apocalypse pay per view.

I don’t view this as a stepping stone of any sort to getting back to where I was once was, I’m not looking past this towards anything in the future because, let’s face it, I have no idea what the future holds now do I?  I am not getting handed anymore opportunities, because I do not want to be handed anything.  I will create my own opportunities by winning big matches against great athletes on big stages like the Apocalypse pay per view.

I am living in the here and the now and my here and now includes facing three tough competitors, three hungry athletes who all want the same thing…

…a win at Apocalypse.

We may have a different approach to the sport of combat, but Brittany, Autumn, Torsten and I all want the same thing.  We all want that thrill of competition but, more importantly, to be the one individual who wins in the end.

And ladies…and you too, Torsten…you are going to be in store for a real fight, a war, at Apocalypse, because I am bringing the Apocalypse, the hellfire, and the brimstone with me; because what I do, what I always do regardless of win or loss, I always bring my best, I always bring my A-Game, and just ask Brittany herself what that A-Game is like, because she’s experienced it before.

Hi there, Britt.  It’s been awhile, hasn’t it, since we’ve been in the ring?  We were allies and tag team champions as members of Hidden Desires in GDW, then we fought over the GDW World Championship, and you beat me that night.

Congratulations on that one, by the way.

We were IWC World Tag Team Champions when that company was still around.  That didn’t work out for us, because I got a little bigheaded, a little arrogant, and I kicked you to the curb.

We’ve had our ups and our downs, Britt, that’s for sure, and I have no clue what you think of me right now.  I’ve done my damndest to make amends for my past but you know, even though you are best friends with my mom, you may still hate my guts.  Who knows?

But one thing that I know for sure is that you respect me…and I respect you…because we know what the other is capable of.

Nothing against Torsten or Autumn, because any time I get to climb into a wrestling ring and compete is an honor and a privilege, but getting to renew my odd relationship with Brittany Lohan is definitely an honor and a privilege for me and I am looking forward to this contest at Apocalypse if for no other reason than that.

You mentioned on social media that you wanted me to pay attention, to see how it’s done?  Don’t worry, Britt, I always pay attention.  I always do my homework.  And despite how well we may know one another, I know that nothing about you is ever certain, just as you should realize that nothing about The Phoenix is ever certain.

Thus I issue the same challenge to Torsten and Autumn; do your homework.  Take notes.  Get ready because The Crown Jewel of Professional Wrestling is ready to put on a show and she’s going to do her damndest to get back to the winning side here in Supreme Championship Wrestling.  And while you do not know what I might bring to the table, you can be damn sure that I will bring my very best to Apocalypse and that I will either bring the very best out of each one of you…

…or you will fall flat on your face.

Anything can happen in our crazy sport, anything at any time, and in a four way, you never know who is going to win, but I’m going to do my best to put on a show for my fans and to create a new opportunity for myself by impressing the right people, opening some eyes, and making damn sure that Mr. D and SCW know that the flight of The Phoenix has not ended…

…it has just begun.